Chapter 18

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Today is the 12th of October. It's been a week since I last spoke to Draco. Last time we spoke was at the astronomy tower when we kissed. I tried to talk to him a few times but he would leave before I could speak to him. I hoped he would eventually speak to me but he didn't. I was currently in the great hall eating with Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"Kate are you okay? You've been distracted all week and you haven't been yourself recently" Hermione asked with concern.

"I'm fine" I answered.

"You don't sound fine. Come to Hogsmeade with to take your mind off things" Hermione said. I couldn't be bothered to go to Hogsmeade but I need to take my mind off things so I decided to go.

"Okay I'll go, when are you off?" I asked Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"About 12" Harry told me.

"Okay I'm going to get more clothes because I'll freeze" I said looking at the snow out the window.

"I'll come too" said Hermione. We all headed to the Gryffindor common room and into our dormitories. Me and Hermione met Harry and Ron in the common room. Then we headed to Hogsmeade.

Harry wanted to go to the three broomsticks so we went there first. I sat next to Harry because he asked me to and Hermione and Ron sat opposite to us. Just as we were siting down, I saw Draco leaving the three broomsticks in a hurry. He avoided eye contact with me, he looked very pale and sleep deprived.

I tried not to think about Draco and why he was avoiding me. Me, Harry Ron and Hermione sat and ordered a butter beer each. We looked to the far corner to see Ginny and Dean holding hands, it was cute but I can tell that Harry likes Ginny so I don't really approve of the relationship. Then they started snogging. Harry looked a little pained by this as Ron requested to leave. Hermione convinced him to stay by saying if it was her and him snogging he wouldn't expect Ginny to leave.

Professor Slughorn came over to us and invited me, Harry and Hermione to a party he is hosting. He didn't invite Ron, he doesn't even know his name, according to professor Slughorn it is 'Wallenby'. We sat and talked for awhile until we decided to leave.

Hermione couldn't walk straight, I think she had one too many butter beers. Out of no where we heard a high pitched deafening scream from in front of us, it was coming from Leanne. We ran forward to see Katie Bell lying on the floor. All of a sudden she flew up into the air, arm spread out, mouth wide open. It was as if she was trying to scream yet nothing came out. Then her life less body dropped to the ground. Next to Leanne there was package with a necklace in it, how could something so beautiful or even a necklace do something like that.

Luckily Hagrid came and took her to the castle. We had to talk to professor McGonagall what happen that's when we found out she was alive. Leanne said that Katie was given the necklace in the three broomsticks and that it was important she give it to Dumbledore.

"Why is it that when something happens, it's always you three" McGonagall stated.

"Believe me professor, I've asked myself the same question for six years" Ron said.

"Oh Severus!" McGonagall said when she saw Snape. He told us that Katie is lucky to be alive.

"She was cursed wasn't she, I know Katie off the Quidditch pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering it to professor Dumbledore so wasn't doing it knowingly" Harry stated.

"Yes she was cursed" McGonagall told us.

"It was Malfoy" Harry said. It couldnt of been him, he wouldn't do that. Although it does make sense, I mean the necklace was meant for Dumbledore and it kills also Draco does have to kill Dumbledore. It would be an easier way out for him. No one else has a motive to do it unlike Draco.

"That is a very serious accusation Potter" McGonagall stated.

"Indeed" Snape agreed. "Your Evidence?" Snape questioned.

"I just know" Harry said.

"You just know? Once again you astonish with your gifts mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the chosen one" Snape stated dryly. Harry didn't say anything else.

"I suggest you go back to your dormitories, all of you" McGonagall suggested. Then Dumbledore appeared from no where.

"Might I have a talk with Kate alone please" Dumbledore said softly. Why did he want me? Harry, Hermione and Ron didn't say anything else and headed to the common room leaving me alone with Dumbledore.

"Why did you want to speak to me professor" I asked Dumbledore.

"I heard what happened today with Katie Bell, I don't know who did it but I can only guess that Mr Malfoy cursed Katie Bell into giving me that necklace" even Dumbledore thinks it's Draco.

"Why are you telling me this Professor?" I asked curiously.

"One night, I wandered around the castle, I happened to come across an odd pairing at the astronomy tower. I couldn't help but look closer, I quickly left when I realized that you and a certain mr Malfoy weren't arguing but in fact kissing. You know that he has been ordered to kill me. Draco seems to trust you so that's why I am asking you to help him." Dumbledore said. He caught us kissing, I couldn't help but go red and he wants me to help him.

"Why do you want me to help him?" I asked.

"Find out his plans to kill me and help him. You must not tell anyone that you're helping him or that I know that he was the one who cursed Katie. It is essential that you help Mr Malfoy" Dumbledore told me softly. "Now I shall be off, night Kate" Dumbledore said before walking away. I had to help Draco kill Dumbledore.

I wandered around the castle searching for Draco. Whilst I was walking I spotted Draco walking towards the room of requirement.

"Draco!" I shouted at him trying to get his attention. He turned to look at me and then carried on walking. I kept shouting "Draco" but he wouldn't stop to listen to me.

"I know it was you" I shouted at him. He instantly stopped and turn towards me.

"What?" Draco asked.

"I know you was the one who cursed Katie Bell" I told Draco. He grabbed my arm and lead me into the room of requirement.

"I know you cursed Katie Bell" I told him again. He looked down at me guiltily but changed it to stone cold within seconds.

"It wasn't me" he told me.

"Don't deny it, I know it was you who cursed Katie" i said to him.

"Is he.. Dumbledore...dead?" Draco asked, looking like he's about to throw up.

"What? No. You don't know do you?" I asked. "Katie was arguing with her friend and she accidentally touched the necklace through a small hole in her glove. She didn't die but she was in a terrible amount of pain. She's extremely lucky to be alive" I told him truthfully. He gulped.

"What? No. she should have given it to Dumbledore. She wasn't supposed to get hurt" Draco said running his hand through his hair.

"You have to be more careful you idiot, but that's why I'm here" I told him. He looked down at me confused.

"What do you mean "thats why I'm here" Draco questioned.

"I've come to help you complete your mission"

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