Chapter 13

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I wiped my cheeks with my hand. I blew out the candles and put them into Hermione's bag. I stood up and wiped down my jeans and headed to where they were stood. Ron put his arm around me while Harry and Hermione just smiled at me. I gave Hermione her bag and she took out the invisibility cloak. She wrapped it around us and we started walking. We kept bumping into each other which was funny but frustrating at the same time.

We were walking down the corridor when we saw Filch and Mrs Norris. We slipped past him but his stupid cat started growling at us and nearly got us caught. When he was out of sight I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. We walked further until I saw flash of blonde hair in the corner of my eyes.

"Stop, I need to do something really quick. Just keep going and I'll either meet you in the common room or see you in the morning." I said pulling the cloak up to my head.

"You might get caught, we can wait" Harry said.

"Filch is no way no near here so I'll be fine, don't wait up if I do get caught at least you won't. I won't be long but it's important" I said pulling the cloak over my head and they suddenly disappeared. I waved and turned to follow Draco. What was I doing?

I followed him until he turned around to face me.

"Are you following me?" He asked. I looked at his eyes I fell like I've seen them somewhere other than on his face.

"No" I couldn't finish my sentence, I didn't know what to say.

"Come on" he said before walking into a classroom.

"Are you okay?" He said examining my face.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked curiously.

"Your eyes are bloodshot" he said like he actually cared.

"Oh" was all I said.

"What are you doing up? And following me" he asked with a smirk on his face. My face dropped when I remembered why I was out.

"Nothing" I simply said.

"Does seem like nothing" he took a step forward so he was inches away from me.

"It was nothing okay?"I said pushing him away from me. He stepped forward again. I pushed him again but he wouldn't move. I kept pushing but he wouldn't move. In lift my hand to hit his chest. What was I doing? I put my arms down and as much as I tried to hold them back the tears escaped my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

I was now crying fully. Draco pulled me into his chest so I could cry into him, it felt nice to hug him. It felt different to when I hug Harry, Hermione and Ron but I liked it a lot. I stayed in his arms until I calmed down and stopped crying.

"Sorry, I'm just really emotional at the moment. Forget that I followed you okay" I said escaping out of his arms.

I turned and walked away for Draco.

"Wait.." Draco pleaded as he leapt forwards and placed his arm on my shoulder. I recognized the warmth when he touched me.

"It was you" I said turning around.

"what was?" Draco asked confused written on his face.

"Earlier by the lake, when I was crying it was you that tried to comfort me" I said and Draco swallowed trying to get rid of the lump in his thoat.

"Yeah well you was crying so I couldn't just leave you, could I" he stated.

"thank you" I smiled at him and left.

When I reached the common room no one was there so Hermione, Harry and Ron must have gone to bed. I laid down on the sofa and fell straight to sleep. All the crying made me really tired.

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