Chapter 4

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I woke up with the sun shining on my face. First day of class so I don't want to be late. I quickly get dressed and rush to the great hall for breakfast. Hermione had already gone when I woke up, she probably went to get breakfast then went to the library. I can't understand how she enjoys reading so much.

I finally reach the great hall and sat with Harry, Ron and Ginny.
Harry looked up at me as he said

"what class have you got first?"

"Potions, what about you?" I ask hoping he had the same lesson as me.

"Charms" harry said.

"Same" Ron and Hermione said in unison, why does Hermione always appear out of no where?

"Great. Looks like I'm on my own" they all had apologetic looks on their faces. I ate as much as I could before class, I shoved the rest of my food into my robe pocket.

I arrived at the potions classroom when I was greeted by professor Slughorn.

"Morning Ms Styles" he was only interested in me as I'm muggle born.

"Professor Slughorn" I said while i nod my head at him.

I was the only one from Gryffindor that was in this class, quickly I took a seat at the back on my own and kept myself to myself. I kept my head down until I could feel someone's eyes on me. Malfoy. I turned my head to look at him but he quickly looked away trying to hide the fact he had been looking.

Professor Slughorn kept giving a speech about who knows what but I couldn't stop think about the food in my pocket. It was calling to me. He turned his face the other way, this is my chance! I tucked my head in my robe and started eating a piece of toast, heaven! Checking if he was still facing the other way I noticed Malfoy looking at me with a smirk on his face. I couldn't worry about that as I needed more food.

"A muffin!" I exclaimed. Every head turned to look at me, I could feel my cheeks burning, turning a pinky red. Everyone was laughing, I heard laughter coming from Malfoy, this made my cheeks turn a darker shade of red.

"Styles I do hope you're not eating, I would have to give you a detention, are you eating?" Said Professor Slughorn

"No sir" I said hoping he'd believe me.

"Can you tell me which potion we would use to make a love potion?" He said pointing to the selection of potions.
I stood up nervously, walking up to the front when a foot stuck out in front of me causing me to nearly face plant the floor. Looking down at the floor I noticed my muffin had fallen out my pocket.

"What was that for?" I said to Malfoy when I realised it was him who tripped me up.

"Don't speak to me like that, you filthy mudblood" ouch that hurt. I was about to reply when Professor Slughorn interrupted me.

"Styles detention for eating food in class and Malfoy detention for inappropriate language. I expect both of you here by 8pm" it was first class and I've already got a detention, great.

I sat back down furiously looking at Malfoy. He seems amused, I'll tell you if looks could kill, he'd definitely be dead. Silly git, god I hated that boy.

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