Chapter 2

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"You cannot be serious? You think Malfoys a death eater?" I said with disbelief, is Malfoy a death eater? What would Voldemort want with that git?

"His fathers a death eater, it only makes sense. Besides Hermione saw it with her own eyes" Harry says trying to prove his point.

"I don't know what I saw" Hermione says in her posh London accent.

We finally arrive at Hogwarts. Harry had gone to get some fresh air.

"Where's Harry?" Questioned Hermione with Concern.

"He's probably already on the platform, come on" Ron said, reassuring Hermione.

All of the First years have been placed into a house and Harry isn't back yet, now I'm starting to worry. As Dumbledore is giving his famous speech, food appears on all 4 tables

"FOOD!" I exclaimed as I love food, I live for it. I'm one of those girls who eat a lot, I mean a lot. I couldn't survive without all 3 meals of the day. Luckily for me I don't put any weight on, so I'm not too large but in not too skinny either. Not that it matters, In my opinion no one should be judged by the way they look but not everyone thinks that way.

"Will. You. Stop. Eating. Your best friend is missing" hermione hits us both with books.

"Ay you loony he's right there" Ron said pointing his finger at Harry.

"He's covered in blood" Hermione tells us like we can't see for ourselves.

"Why is he always covered in blood?" Ginny asked as I've been asking myself the same question for years.
After checking to see if he's okay he insistshe's fine. It sure looks that way, not. When we ask him what happened he somehow avoids the questions.

Dumbledore had asked everyone to stay seated after the feast, weird. He gave a speech about Tom riddle, every time his name was mentioned it sent shivers down my spine and by the looks of it, it was the same for Harry. After his surprise speech everyone was allowed to leave.

"I'm going to bed, its been a long day" I stated.

"Wait, I'll come with you" said Hermione, thank god she came as I didn't want to go on my own. Wuss I know.
We arrived at the fat lady's portrait, Hermione gave the password and we headed straight to bed, finally.

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