Chapter 14

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I woke up on the sofa in the common room. It was still dark outside so I still had more time to sleep. I walked up to the girls dormitory and snuck into my bed and fell back to sleep.

What felt like 10 minutes, since I fell asleep again, I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Hermione was surprising still asleep. I laid there for a while until I jumped on Hermione.

"Get up I'm bored" I said jumping up and down on her.

"Will you get off me?" Hermione asked with annoyance.

"Not until you get up" I laughed.

"Fine, I'm up" she said bluntly.

"Yay" I exclaimed like a child.

"I'm off to get breakfast are you coming?" I asked Hermione.

"Yeah" Hermione replied. We both got dressed and met Harry and Ron in the common room. We all greeted each other and walked to the great hall. Hermione hardly ate anything while me and Ron stuffed our faces.

"I'm off to see Dumbledore after breakfast because I want to know more about my parents" I stated.

"Ok we will meet you after. We will send you a note if we decide to do something other than hang in the common room" Hermione said.

"Okay, see you soon." I get up and walked to Dumbledores office.

When I got there I lifted my hand to knock on the door but before I could do so the door swung open. I walked inside Dumbledore was sat on a chair in front of his desk. He stood up slightly before we both sat down.

"I've been expecting your arrival Kate. I didn't think it would be so soon" Dumbledore said softly.

"I feel like I need to know them more. I don't even know there names" I replied to Dumbledore.

"Rose and Tyler McConnell where there names. So technically your real name is Kate McConnell but it's your choice what you choose to call yourself." Dumbledore smiled at me. Kate McConnell had a nice ring to it, I like it.

"Here is a picture of them" he said passing me a piece of paper. My mother and Father where smiling into the camera. They looked happy. My mother had brown hair like me while I have my dad's blue eyes. I smiled down at the picture.

"Your mother was 36 and your father was 37 when they died" they died so young.

"Your mother and father were pure bloods which makes you a pure blood too" Dumbledore stated. All this time I thought I was muggle born. The amount of hate I got for something that wasn't true.

"Have you got any questions you'd like to ask?" He questioned.

"Yes, which school did my parents go to?" I asked.

"The one and only Hogwarts. Your mother was a clever Ravenclaw while your dad was a brave Gryffindor." Dumbledore stated.

"Were they happy?" When I asked this Dumbledore smiled again.

"Yes they were. Happy as can be." I smiled it, made me happy that they were happy.

"They were madly in love with each other. When they met they hated each other until the sixth year when they began to understand each other and it only went up from there. Young love. What would we do without it?" I didn't answer I just smiled. My mum and dad hated each other at first but then fell in love. It made me think of Draco a little. How we loathed each other and now I'm feel different around him. This sick feeling in stomach when he looks at me but he was still a "bloody git" as Ron would say.

"I don't have anymore questions so I shall be going now, thank you" I smile at Dumbledore.

"You are very welcome. If you come up with more questions feel free to ask me them. It would be worth asking McGonagall about them, she was very close with your father growing up and became close with you mother when your Father fell for your her" I smiled and thanked him again. I will ask professor McGonagal when I next see her. Now I have to find Ron, Hermione and Harry. So headed to the common room.

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