Chapter 20

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Impatiently, I waited for the doors to the room of requirement to form so I could enter. The place was exactly how we left it except there's no Draco. He must be running late.
Seconds upon minutes passed and still no show from Draco. I was sat on the sofa getting more irritated by the minute. An hour passed before I finally decided to leave. Thanks a lot Draco.
I huffed, pulling myself up off the sofa. Without warning, I slipped on something. Grabbing a hold of the nearest thing so I didn't fall. After regaining balance I glanced down to see a scrunched up piece of paper with a smudged footprint that matched with the bottom of my shoes. Quickly picking it up, it had scribbled and scruffy writing all over it. Whoever wrote this did it quickly. Glancing over the writing I read that it was addressed to me... It read:

I didn't show up for a reason. You're not helping me now, not ever. Don't come back here, don't talk to me, don't even look at me. Forget everything you know and don't tell anyone. I swear if you do I will make your life a living hell. I don't need your help or anyone else's, I'm going to do it and no one will stop me.
- Malfoy

How rude? That boy needs my help. His abnormally large ego never seems to surprise me. My heart felt like it had been split into two and into even smaller pieces with every word. Even though the note clearly states that he doesn't want my help I'm still going too. For Dumbledore and for the part, that's hidden beneath the surface, of Draco that cares. When you bring the light out of someone, even if it's for a split second, you want to do it again and again. Some sort of drug that draws you in and is almost impossible to escape from.
Draco won't know I'm helping him because I know he'll only push me away harder, if that's even possible. The thought of him facing everything alone makes me feel a body aching pain thats merely impossible to describe.

I stand up and remember the brave Gryffindor I am and walk to the common room. The smile on my face is the exact opposite of how I feel but I feel obliged to put up a front and suffer alone. I'm used to it now, suffering in silence. Fighting my demons alone because when your friends and family are happy you don't want to be a burden to them.

I'm greeted by Hermione who is sat on her bed reading, no surprise there.

"Where were you last night Styles?" she said with arched eyebrows.

"Non of your business Grainger" I said with a convincing fake laugh.

"Come on Kate, I know you want to tell me" she said edging closer.

"Not now, maybe tomorrow okay?" I pleaded.

"You said you'd tell me" Hermione stated.

"I know Mione I'm sorry, I'll tell you another time" I spoke sympathetically.


"Pinky promise" I point out my pinky finger. She gently wraps hers around mine and we shake up and down before letting go. We both look at each other and start laughing. Mione always knows how to make me feel better, without even trying.

"So I've been thinking me and you should go on an adventure" Hermione spoke surprising me.

"An adventure? That doesn't sound like you Hermione" I said whilst laughing.

"Not a dangerous one, just like explore the grounds more and have fun" Hermione spoke like a child.

"How old are you again? 5?" I laughed while winking at her.

"No I'm seriously, it will be fun" she said playfully hitting my shoulder.

"Why don't we go now? Come on we're going" Hermione spoke with excitement. Without my consent she pulled my arm and dragged me out of the common room. Oh Hermione!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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