Chapter 17

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Draco's point of view
I walked down the almost empty corridor when I saw Styles behind me. I carried on walking until I got to the transfiguration courtyard. I grabbed a piece of parchment from my pocket.

Follow me

Was All I wrote. What was I doing? I asked myself. I sent the parchment straight at her luckily, she caught it before it hit her. I didn't show my face because if she knew It was me she might not of followed. Although I doubt she'd follow a random person she didn't know either. I walked away not turning back to see if she had followed me or not. I decided to go to the astronomy tower so no one would know that I was with her, I couldn't afford to be seen with a Gryffindor and a mudblood. Well from what I saw and heard this morning I wasn't sure if she was a mudblood or not. I shall asked her if she did follow me.

I reached the top of the astronomy tower and turned around to see if she did follow me. She did. I was relieved she did other wise I would have walked all the way up here for nothing. She looked up at me. I could tell she was relieved to see me too which surprised me a little.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked in annoyance. I wasn't entirely sure why either.

"What did you mean earlier when you said you aren't a mud- I mean muggle born?" I asked correcting myself from saying it. She hates the word mudblood.

"It doesn't matter" she stated dryly.

"Yes it does now tell me" i said.

"My parent are wizards" she told me. What? I thought her parent were muggles.

"I thought you were muggle born" I said, confused.

"So did I" she said, which made me even more confused. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"My real parents died trying to hide from Voldemort" I hate when she says his name. She continued... "They took me to a muggle family and I didn't know about my magic until I was 11. All my life I thought they were my parents but they weren't, it's just so messed up" She said dryly. That is just messed up.

"Oh... I'm sorry" was I could say. I was shocked, I wondered how she found out. All this time I've bullied her for being something she wasn't. I couldn't help but feel bad. I wrapped my arms around her. Her touch was like a drug and I was addicted to it.

"I don't know how I should feel about it, I didn't even know my parents existed until the other day. No one was going to tell me. They only told me because things didn't add up when they told me something that is a different story" Styles told me. Why did they have to tell her? And why did they keep it a secret all this time?

"It wasn't your fault this happened. At least you know now and that's all that matters" i said trying to make her feel better about the whole situation. She didn't say anything else, she just nodded.

"What did they tell you that made them have to tell you about your parents?" I asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter" She said not wanting to tell me but I will try to get it out of her.

"Yes it does, it matters to me" I said regretting I said that, she couldn't know I care even though she probably already knows it.

"Why?" She asked looking up at me. I didn't know myself, it obviously matters to her so it matters to me.

"That's not the point. Do you trust me?" I asked avoiding the question as I don't know how to answer it.

"Yes" She said nodding her head. I was surprised she does or even admitted it.

"Then why won't you tell me?" I questioned.

"I can't" she said like she couldn't tell me or else she'd die or something.

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