Chapter 9

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Hermione's point of view
I still couldn't believe what Kate just told me, she had feelings for Malfoy and she thinks he has feelings for her. Although I was surprised I didn't really react like i thought I would but I don't think anything is going to happen between them. I mean he is Malfoy he will play her and I don't want him to hurt her.

"Malfoy? Anyone but Malfoy! You can't help having feelings for him but you'll will know if it's real or not. I would just see how things go and try not to let it take over you." I told her not wanting to say how I really felt. Kate is smart, she will know what to do. I just do not want her getting hurt

"Thank you Hermione, I love you" Kate said meaningfully.

"I love you too" I reply before going to sleep.

Kate's point of view
I find myself walking down an empty corridor. I look around to see it was the 7th floor corridor. What am I doing here? I hear a door opens so I hid behind a wall out of sight. The 7th floor corridor has no doors except a classroom that was up the stairs behind me so they must be coming out from the room of requirement. I look around the wall to see death eaters coming towards me so I jump out and point my wand at them. That was when I saw Draco. He is paler than is ever seen him before. Why are they all at Hogwarts? and what are they doing with Draco?

When I jumped in front of them no one did anything and carried on walking forward. They carry on walking until they walked straight though me. Why can't they see me?

I follow them until Draco walks away from them. I have to see what is going on so I follow him. He reaches to the astronomy tower and runs up the stairs. Dumbledore is there.

"Good evening Draco, what brings you here on this fine spring evening?" Dumbledore asks Draco.

"Who else is here? I heard you talking" Draco Asks hastily.

"I often talk aloud to myself, I find it very useful. Have you been whispering to yourself Draco? Draco you are no assassin." Dumbledore replies

"How do you know what I am? Some things that would shock you" Draco replies

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping in return she'd being a cursed necklace to me" states Dumbledore.

"He trusted me, he chose me" Draco says changing the topic. When Draco said 'he' he meant Voldemort.

"I shall make it easy for you" Dumbledore says raising his wand

"Expelliarmus" Draco disarms Dumbledore.

Dumbledore kept talking to Draco as though he was trying to stall him.

"Don't you see, I have to do this. I have to kill you or he's going to kill me" I felt sick, Draco has to kill Dumbledore.

They rest of the death eaters are here now.

"Well look what we have here, well done Draco" says Bellatrix, she was the one that killed Sirius last year. She's a totally bitch and more. I recognized some of the death eaters, Greyback, Dolohov and the carrows.

"Do it, go on Draco, now" Bellatrix screams in Draco's ear.

Draco is lowering his wand when Snape barges though the death eaters.

"Severus, please" Dumbledore pleads.

"Avada Karadvra" Snape killed Dumbledore. Dumbledore is dead.

They all pile outside Hagrid's hut when Bellatrix sets it on fire. Draco sees someone and starts walking towards that person. I follow him when I saw me, what am I doing there?

"Draco, what happen is he you know?" The other me says.

"Yes Snape did it" he says looking pale and sick to the stomach.

"I can't believe he is dead, I'm glad you didn't kill him though." Before the other me could say anything else Draco grabs my face and kisses me passionately, why the hell was I kissing Draco?

"Wake up! Wake up!" Hermione is here?

That was when I woke up. It was all a dream, yet it felt so real.

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