Chapter 19

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"I've come to help you complete your mission" I told him.

"Certainly not, you are to leave and not look back" he said leading me to the door.

"No, I'm not leaving. I am going to help you" I told him, releasing my arm from his grip.

"Why are you trying to help me?" Draco questioned.

"It doesn't matter why I'm helping, all that matters is that I am helping you." I said not telling him that Dumbledore himself told me to help him.

"I don't need your help" Draco said through his teeth.

"Then why isn't Dumbledore already dead and why is Katie injured?" I challenged him.

"Katie stupidly touched the necklace and I'm not supposed kill Dumbledore until I get the death eaters into the school" Draco told me.

"You're bringing death eaters into the school?" I exclaimed. This makes me remember my dream that me, Harry and Neville shared. Draco was with a bunch of death eaters. Dumbledore might be right, I might have seen the future. It eases me slightly that Draco might not be the one to kill Dumbledore but Dumbledore still ends up dead.

"Yes, are you sure you're going to help me?" He asked, he is calmer than earlier on.

"Yes, now how are you bringing them into the castle?" I asked, he might not know himself.

"The vanishing cabinet" Draco told me.

"The vanishing cabinet? How can that get them into the school? Do we even have one to use?" I asked, confused.

"There's one in here over there" he told me pointing to the big box with a sheet covering it. "I've been trying to fix it but nothing works, so I tried to work my way around killing him . I bought the necklace in hope it would work. There's another vanishing cabinet at borgin and burkes. They form a passage." He gulped.

"So when we fix the cabinet then what will happen" I already knew the answer to that but I need to know what his plans are and I can't let him know.

"We let the death eaters in" he told me simply. I didn't say anything else. He showed me the vanishing cabinet. I tried multiple spells but nothing happened.

Draco's point of view

We've been working on the cabinet for hours now and it's getting dark.

"I thinks it's best we head back to our dormitories, it's getting late" I told her covering the vanishing cabinet with the sheet so no one will see it if they do come into the room of requirement. She didn't reply. I turned to see her asleep on the sofa behind me. She looks so beautiful. I lay down beside her sleeping body.

She turned her body around so it's facing me. Kate opens her eyes and looks at me. She smiles and falls back to sleep, she buries her head onto my chest. I wrap my arms around her and instantly fall into a deep slumber.

I woke and Kate is still asleep. I lean down and kiss her forehead. Her head tilts up and smiles at me, her smile makes me weak. I guess she wasn't asleep. Our eyes meet, before I can process what's happening I lean forward and kiss her. The feeling when my lips touch hers makes me go crazy. She kisses back, her hands glide up my back and into my hair. She tugs at my hair and I place my hands on her waist. I push my tongue though to her mouth and she opens her mouth to give me access to hers. Our tongues move together perfectly.

Before anything else could happen the sound of her belly rumbling fills our ears. We get off each and start laughing. She blushes slightly.

"Come on, let's get breakfast" I laugh.

"You seem to be in a good mood" she tells me, she half laughed

"So do you" I tell her. She doesn't say anything, she smiled at me which I returned. We walked slowly hand in hand to the great hall. We kept walking down the empty corridors until we reached the great hall. I let go of her hand before some one sees us.

"Meet me in the room of requirement at 1pm" I told her, she nods and heads towards the Gryffindor table as I head to the Slytherin table.

Kate's point of view

I sit down next to Hermione and Seamus. I couldn't help but smile all the way through breakfast. I felt Draco looking at me so I turned to look at him. A small smile showed on his lips and i couldn't help but smile even wider. He doesn't look as tired and pale as he did the past few days.

"You look a lot happier" Ron said as I quickly look away from Draco hoping Ron didn't notice I was looking at him.

"Thanks" I didn't know what to say.

Hermione leans over and whispers
in my ear, "where were you last night?" She asked with slight disapproval in her voice but a smirk on her face. She must have noticed I didn't come to bed last night, hope she was the only one who noticed.

"Later" I half laugh. I'm debating weather to tell her what happened but I decided against it because she cannot know that I'm helping him with his task. I'll have to think of something, and fast. After breakfast I head to the common room to avoid Hermione. It's noon now so I have an hour before I meet Draco.

Time passes really slowly but now it's time to meet Draco, I quickly change clothes and head to the room of requirement.

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