Chapter 12

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When we got to Hogsmeade we went to the Three Broomsticks where Ron ordered us all a butter beer each.

"Do you have any ideas for your memorial thing for your mum and dad?" Hermione politely asked.

"I was thinking we could sneak to the lake at night and just say a few words to them as though they were there" I replied.

"Sounds like a good idea" said Harry.

"Thanks" I then said.

"Can we use your invisibility cloak please, I don't want to get a detention because I want to study tomorrow" Hermione asked Harry.

"Sure" harry simply said.

"Thank you Harry" Hermione stated.

When we finished our butter beers Ron persuaded us to have another. I gave in pretty easily but Hermione on the other hand, It took all three of us to persuade her but she eventually gave in.

We talked a lot before we finished our butter beers and headed back. We stayed in the common room until nightfall.

"Do you want to start walking now but take the invisibility cloak with us on the way back because it will be past curfew then." I asked the group.

"Yeah you start walking and I'll get the cloak and catch up to you" Harry said before walking towards the stairs. We started walking and Harry caught up to us pretty quickly.

When we got there we sat by the the lake, the sun had just set and the trees and the reflection off the lake look so pretty, the view was truly beautiful. Hermione reached into her bag and brought out two candles. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"They're for when it gets too dark and I also thought would be nice for the memorial." Hermione explained.

"Thankyou" I said. Hermione lit the candles with her wand.

"Right, where do I start? Mum and dad, I'm so sorry for not knowing that you were my parents. I'm sure that you would've both been amazing parents. I wanted you to know that I'm happy, Mr and Mrs Styles raised me and gave me an amazing childhood. Hermione, Ron and Harry make me happy and I couldn't ask for better friends" I said through sobs. Looking at the best people in the world. The all smiled back at me.

I continued... "I hope you are both okay up there, I don't remember you but I know you are both one of the bravest people I know. You died for what you believed in and what was right. We will avenge your deaths and we will beat him! I can only hope to be half as brave as you. I want to know what you both were like, which one of you had brown hair like mine or who has my bright blue eye colour. I want to know if you were both happy in your lives like I am" I barely managed to say the last but through my sobbing. I turned back to my friends and fell into Harry's arms as he let me cry on his shoulder. He gently stroked my hair and whispered my ear "everything will be okay, trust me" I nodded my head in response.

Hermione stood up to talk to them. "Your daughter is such an amazing young women, who is smart, funny and sometimes annoying. She is amazing inside and out. You should be proud of her which most likely you are. We will look after her, we promise!" Hermione turned back and smiled at me.

"I love you both" I said looking into the candles. Both the candle light flickered like they were here, giving me a sign. I smiled at the thought that they were here for me, even though I can't see them. I have an idea.

I stood up and walked closer to the lake. I grabbed my wand and pointed it towards the lake.

"Expecto patronum" I yelled and as a bright light came out then end of my wand, a dolphin came out my wand and danced on top of the lake, it lit up the whole lake side it was stunning. Then an otter, stag and a jack Russell joined my dolphin dancing down the lake until it was out of sight.

I gave them all a hug and thanked them. We all sat down as I spoke "can I have some time on my own please" I asked.

"Of course, we will wait over there until you've finished then we will head back" Hermione told me.

"Thank you" they nodded their heads as the walking in the other direction.

I sat in silence as I mourned my dead parents. I cried so hard I struggled to breath.

Draco's point of view
I tried to fix the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement for the 3rd time but it was still in the condition I found it in. I was angry and stressed so I decided to walked to the lake where I usually go when I'm like this.

I walked down the lake when I saw a bright light in the distance. I got a closer look to see that it was a patronus charm. A dolphin, stag, otter and dog pranced down the lake towards me. It was amazing, they pasted me and headed down the lake. Who's patronuacharm where they and what were they doing? I thought. It saddened me that I can't produce one and I doubt I ever will.

I walk further down the lake side until I heard someone crying. Hard. It was Kate, Kate was crying she was a strong girl and hardly cried so something bad must have happened.

I walked closer to her and hearing her cry like that made my chest tighten. I walked up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder. She didn't turn around though. She couldn't know that it was me so I walked away as quickly as I could so she wouldn't see me.

3rd Person
Kate felt someone put there arm on her shoulder. It must be Hermione, Ron or Harry she thought. Little did she know that it was actually Draco.

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