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"Don't get too comfortable. You're off to that boarding school on Monday. Just like what your parents want. That's your bedroom, your bathroom. If you need anything, ring the butler. The maids will look after you. I'm going to America tomorrow, so they'll take care of you." Is the first thing my aunt said as I entered the house. Armin wasn't here now. This is my world, my problems. My life.

"Okay. Thank you. Enjoy your trip," I answered to my aunt. She muttered something, before making her way to her office. I sighed, and entered my bedroom.

It was big and old-fashioned, with a big four-poster bed in the middle. All my stuff had been moved from my house, and a big suitcase was waiting to be packed on the floor. I bit my lip, opening the dusty wardrobe to find all my clothes put away neatly. I threw some new clothes on, dumping my wet clothes on the floor. Then someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I called. A young women pocked her head through the door.

"Hello Annie. I'm Jen. I'm your maid. These came this morning while you were.. out." She passed a stack of new school uniform, including a brand new satchel from my aunt, inside a notebook and pencil case and study books. "She may not always be around, but your aunt really does care about you."

"Whatever." I muttered. I had no time for my aunt's charity. She barely talked to her sister, and left the funeral before anyone else could. I never knew how she felt, especially now.

"Are you hungry? Supper is at six every day."

"Oh. Umm, yeah actually."

"Come on then."

Dinner was the loneliest thing I'd ever attended. I sat there, on a long table, by myself, with Jen serving me food that I'd ask for. I asked for Cottage Pie, hoping to taste my mother's recipe, but instead I had a herby, rich one, that just left a strange taste in my mouth. I drank a lot of water, finished, and went back up to my bedroom.

I collapsed onto the bed, staring at the patterns on the wall. This whole place made me uneasy and sad. I wanted to go home. We were still waiting for my parents will, but for all I knew, they'd give me everything. I was almost sixteen. I could take my fathers car and drive far away from here. I could go to India, where my parents always wanted to go. Far away from here. Use their inheritance. And just go.

Only, I can't. I'm just a kid in an adult world. I can't go anywhere. I'm stuck in this hell I live in.

And then, the strong defensive layer I'd built shattered, and I was left weak, crying an ocean of nothingness.

* * *

I woke up early that morning, with no intention to move. The sheets were damp from where I lay, crying in a ball. I was cold. I'd slept in my clothes, and fallen asleep early. The time read six o' clock on my mothers alarm clock. There was no way I was going back to sleep now, so I ran myself a shower and sat in it for a while, thinking everything through.

A week ago, my parents were alive. I was happy, I lived in my own house. They adored me.

And now I'm here, living with an aunt, who I barely know, about to be sent away to boarding school because she cant look after me. All my tears had been dropped. Crying wasn't an option anymore. I had to carry on, living like nothing happened. Because that's what they would have wanted, and that's what I must do.

There's no way in hell I'll make any friends. I was antisocial before, but now? My face tells people to stay away, and so they do. But its fine. I like it in some ways. No one to impress, no arguments or fuss. It's easier that way.

Besides, I'd told the first person who ever chose to talk to me that I didn't want company. And that's how it should be.

After changing and sitting for a while in an armchair watching the day wake up from the window, Jen came knocking at my door.

"I noticed the water pipes running from the cellar, so I came to see if you were alright this morning."

"I'm fine thanks," I muttered. She sighed, going over to make my bed.

"What would you like for breakfast Annie?"

"Umm, I don't know. Some oatmeal with honey?"

Jen hesitated, but nodded quickly. "Sure thing. I'll see what we have."

A few minutes later, she came back with a bowl of oatmeal, a bottle of honey and some orange juice. I took them gratefully, eating at the windowsill. The food was gorgeous, and I ate every spoonful. I didn't realise Jen was sitting on the bed, watching me.

"Its a funny choice of breakfast, I had to look in the maids floor."

I ignored her. "How come she has so many maids and chefs anyway? Its not like she's ever here for any mess to be made," I remarked. Her, living in this massive house all by herself, never made any sense to me.

"Well... She fosters children."


"Yeah, she's cared for a lot in her life, given them everything, then gave them up to new families. She had a lot of money from her husband when he died. Started fostering. Now her new job is raising you. She's just busy working away, with a big company now, she does it less than what she used to."


"Alright Annie, I better tidy in here. You need to try on your uniform. Come on, I'll help you."

So that's my new life. Being bought up by an aunt I never see, and a maid who treats me like I am a lost child.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now