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My mind was everywhere, my head spinning, as I ran as fast as possible before the tears started falling. He couldn't see it. Not only that, but I just destroyed his chance of ever seeing how much I was falling apart. Now he thinks I'm just rude and introverted, not wanting his company. As true as it was that I didn't want him getting too close, I didn't want him to see it as a selfish act, but more of an easier choice to make than to pretend to be happy in a group of people I don't want to be with.

Calming down slightly, I made my way to the P.E hall.

"Alright, fair groups please. You should be old enough to figure that out yourself," the teacher mumbled. Everyone ran in all directions to join their friends, while I leaned against the wall, waiting for that moment when:

"Okay Annie. There's one more space on that team. Go on." I pushed off the wall, walking over to a team, with Reiner from my history class, his tall friend, and other people I didn't know. The two boys nodded at me, obviously uninterested. I relaxed slightly.

But when it came to playing, I tensed up again. Because the first team we were playing against was Armin's group of friends. All of them together. I think the tall one saw me scowl, because he laughed, leaning in closer to whisper: "Its okay if you hurt them. We're not complaining." I made a noise in my nose that resembled a laugh. He patted my shoulder, returning to his position.

When the game started, I had time to de-stress, kicking the ball and running fast. I even managed a few goals, and kicked to teammates, receiving smiles and thanks as I did so. It wasn't too bad, until I came face to face with the last person I wanted to see.

He was in goal defense, and I tried dribbling around him but he quickly took the ball from me, watching my expression grow frustrated. He proceeded to kick the ball to his teammate. I scowled. He looked away from my glare, ignoring all the praise he was getting. I sighed, and ran back to my team.

Once the session was over, we went to change in the changing rooms. I was on my way to change in the toilet cubicles, alone, when someone tapped my shoulder. Turning around, I saw the same girl Armin was talking too this morning. Sarah or something.

"Hi. You're new aren't you?"

I hesitated. "Yeah."

"Well, hi! I'm Sasha Braus. Annie, right?"

"Umm, yeah. Hi Sasha." I desperately looked at the clock.

"You're really good at football."

"Thanks. So are you."

"Thanks!" Behind her, I could see Ymir watching, intrigued by my reactions. I sent a questioning look, and she shook her head, chuckling to herself. "Anyway, just wanted to say hi! And if you want anything, just ask! You're always welcome to talk to me, and anyone else for that matter."

I just sighed again. "Thanks, but I'm not much of a people person. Thanks anyway."

Sasha seemed disappointed in my answer. I sent a sorry look, and left the awkward silence for the toilets. But before I left, I couldn't stop overhearing Sasha's conversation with another girl.

"She's interesting, don't ya think?" Someone smirked sarcastically.

"I like her. She seems cool!" Sasha answered. I raised an eyebrow. Maybe Sasha was just easily pleased. Sighing again, I left, out of hearing range.

Taking the outside route, I made my way back to the bedroom building to put my kit away and get some stuff for the next lessons. Entering the room, I smiled at the emptiness, and made my way straight to the curved window, where I sat, watching the world go by.

And thinking. Was I being too mean on Armin? What if he really was trying? And all I could do was run away from him.

Or is it best for both of us that I don't talk to him at all? That if I let him on, he'd begin to join my depressing world.

I shook my head. I kept thinking the same thing all the time. Armin is trying to help me, being nice to me. No wonder he got angry. I was pushing him away because I was scared of what would happen if I did let him in.

Maybe if I explained to him? Would he understand? Would he listen? Would he know exactly the reason why I don't want him in my life?

My opinions flipped from one to the other. One minute I want him, next I don't. Coming and going. All the while he was in my head, and I couldn't bring myself to the reality that I really wanted his warm, kind arms.

My parents are dead. I have no one. There's an empty hole in my heart. And he's slowly filling it.

My heart pounded in my chest. As much as I hated to admit it, I didn't want to stay away from him.

Little did I know that right underneath me, on the boys corridor, Armin was thinking the exact same thing.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now