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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Connie. I frowned, before accepting to call.

"Hello?" I started drearily.

"Armin! Hey, so, well..."


"Eren and Jean have been arrested."


"Yeah, I'm in the station now. We just came down to see them."

"Who else is here?"

"Well, Mikasa and her parents, Jean's dad then Sasha, Marco and me."

"Oh right. Look, give me ten minutes. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks Armin. See ya."

He hung up, and I laid back on the bed, sinking into the pillow. What was I doing to do? I had left Eren, when he needed my help. I'm so stupid.

But it's his fault. I didn't know they had alcohol. And I wasn't there. So I'm not stupid. I didn't do anything wrong. After telling my parents embarrassingly that I was going to the police station, I grabbed a slice of toast and ran down through the estates and streets and the park until reaching the station which was almost hidden by industrial buildings and a supermarket.

I sighed, before opening the doors into the police station. One of the places I had never been inside before. It was bleak and grey like the outside of it. After a while of endless corridors and a lot if manipulative rooms, I finally found the guest room, where Sasha, Marco and Connie were sitting around a table with drinks in their hands. Connie looked annoyed and Marco worried. Sasha ran into my arms as soon as she saw me come in.

"Oh Armin! You're here! Its horrible here!"

"I know. Right. Someone tell me exactly what happened?"

Marco shifted, sitting up. "Alright. Well, firstly, the private property was some rich lady's. Those houses on the hill. The big, posh ones. One of them. God knows why they were up there. Too drunk to know where they were, probably. Anyway, Jean got arrested and Eren ran away. Then the police found him and bought them here."

"How do you know?"

"I was still there after you left. Supposed to be staying over with Jean. But he never came back. I stayed there with Mikasa at their house waiting for him to come to his house with us."

"Oh, right. Wait... Did you say one of those big houses? Do you know who it was?"

"I can't remember the name. I just remember seeing this woman with the police taking them away while I watched from a distance. There was a going woman with her as well. Had long black hair tied back tightly. Was just following the other woman around like a maid."

I froze. Jen had long black hair, and she was a maid. Was it Annie's aunt who told the police? I caught Sasha's glare, who had been sitting in silence in the back. She stared confused. I mouthed the words "Annie's aunt" and her eyes widened. Connie sat up, looking up for the first time since he I arrived.

"It doesn't matter who complained. They have to pay £2000 to compensate for the smashed ornaments and an underage drinking fine. Not to mention bailing them out. We aren't paying a thing."

"No. We aren't. But they'll be okay. Right?" Sasha begged. Connie sighed.

"Yeah, probably. They're only kids. Plus, they don't have any criminal records do they?"

"No, exactly. Okay, thanks Connie." I sat back, rethinking last night in my head. "I'm getting a coffee."

I walked out of the room, when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Sasha. She looked concerned.

"Do you think it was her? Annie's parents?" I froze. She had misread my lips. I frowned.

"No, her aunt. Look Sash. Keep a secret? Another one?"

"Of course Armin."

We continued walking. "Umm, well, her parents died in a car crash over the summer. She lives with her aunt now. My parents knew hers really well, we knew each other since we were kids."

"That's why you're together all the time?"

"Well, not all the time, but yes. We made a promise that we'd still be friends even though we were going to separate high schools, and the next time we met after that was the funeral."

"Oh, Armin, that's so-"

She stopped as we turned around the corner. I looked up in the direction she was looking. Annie stood there, staring at the floor, with Eren and Jean standing behind her. A police officer stood behind them, then the families and a surprised Mikasa. My hand slapped my mouth.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now