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"So, you aren't kissing anybody?"


The music was playing from the stereo, while we were in the field next to Eren and Mikasa's house. I was with Sasha and Eren, all of us dancing and eating hotdogs. I ended up having a lot more fun that I thought I would, being with everyone, happy and energetic.

There was less than an hour until the new year. It was cold, but there was no wind, so it was bearable. Connie sat with Jean on a bench, giving me a pleading look. I smirked at him.

"Hey, Sash?"


"Connie is wondering if you'd like to kiss him at midnight," I explained, bored by these two and their cat and mouse game.

"Don't joke around!"

"I'm not, he did. Go ask him himself. Sasha turned around, and saw him watching us, before blushing and turning away. Sasha twitched.


"Oh, for god sake! Go on Sash!" I pushed her lightly, and she gave in, going over to talk to Connie. By looking at their expressions, it seemed to be going good.

She walked back, pulling an embarrassed and secretive face. I smirked at her again.

"Well, that was easier than I thought."

"What did I tell you? We both said," I added quieter so Eren couldn't hear. Sasha nodded.

"Be sure to send her my thanks," she winked. I smiled, nodding.

Finally, the countdown begun. A whole minute left of the year. The year that brought my first funeral, reunited me with an old friend, that made me sad and guilty, and the year that brought my first love.

"Five, four, three, two, one! Happy new year!" We all yelled, and the fireworks set off while a few people kissed, and others, like myself, just watched the fireworks go off in beautiful colours.

My phone rumbled just at that moment, and I looked to see a message from Annie.

"Happy New Year! Here's to a good one! Thanks for everything last year. x"

I smiled at my phone, sending a quick reply.

"Happy new year to you too, and no problem at all! Roll on January!"

"Armin! Get in!" Mikasa called, and I ran over to join the selfie. "Perfect! Happy new year everyone."

* * *

It was later now, nearing to one, and it was time for me to leave. A few of us had left already to get back home, and I walked back to my house alone. The streets were completely empty, with the flicker of the lamps being the only movement.

I was about to get home when I heard someone yell.

"Armin! Armin! Help! Oh god, help!" Eren had grabbed hold of my shoulders. His eyes were panicked and he looked like he was about to faint.

"What!? Eren!? What is it!?"

"We did something bad. Please! What do I do!?"

"Wait, what did you do first!?" I asked. He took a deep breath, looking around.

"I... We... Violated private property. The police... They saw us. Oh Armin, help!"

His face was closer to mine. I coughed to the strong substance in his breath.

"You've been drinking Eren."

"And... And Jean. They're gonna find us Armin! Help!" She shook me violently, the fumes getting stronger as he neared his face to mine.

"Get off me Eren! Please! Don't try and drag me down with you. I'm not a little pet you can just boss around. I'm not helping!"

I pushed him off, and ran up the street towards my house, leaving him there. I shut the door quickly, locking it. My parents had arrived from their celebrations, and had just gotten to bed. I ran upstairs, trying to ignore what had just happened as best as possible.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now