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I'd spent the first day back in school with Eren and Connie in our room sitting things out, unpacking and deciding which bed to have. I landed the bed furthest from the door, under the curved window, on the same wall as the bathroom. It was right next to my wardrobe and my desk. It was perfect, and having the window meant I could do my homework, or on sleepless nights, watch the world outside.

"Okay. Lets go find other people," Connie said. We both agreed, and we made our way to Mikasa, Sasha and Mina's room, then outside to sit under some trees on the campus. It was surprisingly quiet, only a few other groups outside further from us. The first days were always the best, as we had a free day to get settled.

"Hey, who's that?" Eren asked, looking over to a shadow sitting with a book under a tree further down from us.

"I don't know," Mikasa said. "I haven't seen her on our floor. Maybe she just arrived."

I blinked, keeping quiet and hoping they'd leave her alone. They did, but only due to the appearance of Jean and Marco. I ran my hand through my hair nervously, but still I kept my gaze on Annie. She had headphones on, and seemed relaxed, almost happy. Alone, like she had asked for.

The lunch bell sounded, and with that the group of us headed over to the canteen.

"I'll catch up, I just need the toilet," I lied, and with a nod from Eren, I made my way to see where Annie was. Something in my head was forcing me to just check on her. I was so caught up in my thoughts that as I turned a corner, I crashed straight first into someone. A book fell on the floor and I blushed instantly. Annie.


"Hi! I was just wondering where you were. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Nice to just be alone, you know?"

I nodded. "So who are sharing a room with?"

"Oh, some girls called Ymir and Krista. Know them?"

"Yeah actually. Since forever now. They okay?"

"They barely notice anyone but themselves. Its a good arrangement actually. They seem pleasant."

"Yeah, they're like that. Oh, let me get that." I picked up the book. It was a heavy history book, old and fragile. "History?" I asked. Annie shrugged.

"Yeah. It was my dads. Its really interesting. I take history."

"Same here. Hey, tell you what, there's no one I know in that class, come and sit by me."

Annie paused, unsure, then gave in. "Yeah, okay. May as well. Better than sitting with complete strangers."

"Course. I've spent a whole year by myself in that class, nice to have some company for once."

"Okay. Have you had lunch?"

"No, I was on my way actually."

"You do realise lunch is that way right?"

I blushed. "Yeah... I... Was just seeing if you were coming or not. If you were alright."

Annie's expression turned slightly sad. "Oh. No, its fine. You don't need to worry about me Armin. Go enjoy being with your friends."

"No, its fine. I wanted to. You're my friend. That's what friends do."

Annie glared, surprised. "Oh. Umm, yeah. Umm, shall we go?"

I nodded, and we walked, slowly, to the canteen. I kept smiling, and I'm sure I saw Annie smile as well. But her tired eyes and sad expression were catching my attention, and I could barely contain the urge to pull her into a hug, and tell her its all going to be okay.

As soon as we saw the door to the canteen, I walked in, expecting her to follow, but she'd disappeared. I walked back to see where she'd gone, but before I could move any more, Eren was yelling my name.

"Hurry up Armin! We've saved you a place and these first years are getting impatient!" he yelled, ignoring the looks he received from the smaller kids. I stood there like an idiot looking around to see where Annie had gone to, but I gave up, walking over to my friends.

"What's up?" Mikasa asked. I shook my head quickly.

"Nothing." We moved forward in the queue, going over to receive our meals. As I collected my food, I saw someone walk in. I stared sheepishly as Annie walked in alone, giving me a look as if not to say anything as she took some food, sitting on the other side of the hall on a table in front of Ymir and Krista. I sighed, watching her play with her food, bored.

"Armin? What are you staring at?" Eren asked. I suddenly fell out of my daze, realizing that I hadn't sat down, and was standing up watching Annie. She looked up from her food, but was quick to move her glare. I swear I saw her blush slightly.

"Oh, nothing. Sorry. I'm just not in the zone today. My mind is everywhere."

"Sit down ya weirdo."


A few minutes passed, when I saw Annie walk past the table, and out of the door. She looked back, catching my eye. I smiled. She shrugged, and raised her eyebrows in a goodbye. She then proceeded outside, and I watched until she disappeared down to her tree.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now