Twenty Two

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"Have fun, we'll see you in the summer. Take extra care with those exams now, Armin. We love you so much! Please remember to write, okay?"

"Of course! And don't worry, I'll make you proud."

"You sure will, son."


It was a new term, a new year, and I had never felt so different before. Instead of going in a taxi, Annie's driver was taking us to school. She sat there waiting at the end of my lane. I grinned. She smiled, waving at my parents.


"Hello." Her eyes sparkled slightly. Her cheeks were a lot more vibrant than how they used to be, she looked healthier. Instead of sitting where I had the last time, a seat away from her, I sat next to her, and she didn't budge at all.

The journey was smooth and enjoyable. We arrived to a lot of staring eyes and whispering. Annie glared uncomfortably outside, and I only just contained my laughter.

"They're staring."

"I know. Well, not everyone goes to school in this do they?"

She smirked. "True."

We left the car, taking our belongings from the car and thanking the driver, before he drove off back to town. I saw Jean run over.

"Armin! Oh, hello Annie." I noticed a kind smile form on his face. I blinked.

"Hi" she muttered.

He threw a look at me, and I raised an eyebrow. He just smirked.

"You guys coming? Sasha and Connie are here, we're waiting for the others."

"Yeah, of course," I answered.

"Annie!" came a voice from behind us. I saw Christa running towards her, waving and grinning.

"Oh god," Annie muttered. "I better go and say hello." She looked at us, nodding at Jean and smiling at me, before walking away towards Christa.

"Come on then." Jean and I ran over to Sasha and Connie. Sasha was sitting on his lap, eating an apple.

"Hey guys."

"Hi Armin!" I heard Sasha say with a full mouth. Connie grinned at me. I smirked, and he looked back, with an expression that told me "you can't say anything." I laughed.

The best thing about my friends, they didn't gossip. The news of Annie and I hadn't spread outside of the eight of us.

After a while, more of us joined, and we all started towards the bedrooms. I turned back to find her talking to Ymir. She noticed me, and dragged her suitcase towards us, earning some hellos and a huge hug from Sasha.

"Wow, watch out Sasha!"

"Sorry Connie. I'll do it to you later." She winked, and we all laughed, evidently cringing afterwards.

"Right gang. See you in a minute," we said as everyone left to different rooms. Annie stood at the back, waiting for everyone to leave. I stopped and waited as well, walking over.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, not used to the attention and stuff."

"Welcome to our world. I hope, for my sake mostly, that you stay."

She laughed, pulling her hair behind her ear, looking cuter than normal.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes, I do." Her eyes narrowed, but she was still smiling.

"And I'm going to make you happy forever."

Annie looked up into my eyes. We help hands, our foreheads touching. "I already am," she answered. "With you here forever."

We kissed, and didn't stop until the head girl, Petra, walked past with her friend, Zoë, eyeing us jokingly as we were holding hands, heads close, blushing, embarrassed.

"Hello Armin!" Zoë joked. I blinked, smiling shyly. She smirked. Petra laughed, smiling and leaving us alone.

Once we let go, we didn't move, just stood there, happy with just watching each other.

"I better go and unpack," Annie said, stepping back. I nodded.

She waved, starting to walk away. I just stood there, watching her walk away. She reached her bedroom at the end of the corridor, turning back to smile at me. She blushed. It wasn't until she had closed her door that I left where I was.

I was in love. And she in love with me.

That is what was important.

The crystal that surrounded our lonely lives had shattered.

Annie's crystal had shattered.

And so had mine.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now