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"Armin! Stop staring!" Sasha whispered. I turned my gaze.

"I'm not Sash. What are you on about? You should stop staring!"

"At who? Connie isn't here, remember?" She realised how that came out and kicked herself, then me. We carried on with the work. I finished far before anyone else, got it marked and turned around to help Sasha. I noticed Eren trying to grab my attention. I gave him a weird look, then:


She stood behind me, uninterested, holding her maths book. "Can we just compare answers?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure." She leaned on the table, looking at my answers and hers. They were the same.

"Alright. Thanks."

I turned back to Sash, who pulled a face. I rolled my eyes, turning away. She moved in closer, to whisper.

"You're so in love with her."

"No, I'm not. I'm just.."

"Its okay Armin. You can tell me if you are."

"Umm, well,"

"Ha! I knew it!" She grinned. I sighed.

"Look, you can't tell anyone. Okay?"

"I wont!"

"Alright everyone, settle down. I know its the last day of the term but there's still work to do. We're working in partners now. So I'm just gonna pick names at random, alright? Okay, Braus? You go with Leonhardt. Arlert, go with Bodt. Ackerman, you're with Kirtschtein. Jaëger, Lens..." I froze when the teacher asked Sasha to go with Annie, standing up and gulping.

"Bye Armin!" She said in loud, provocative voice. I gave her a face as I moved to sit with Marco, passing Annie on my way, who sat in my seat next to Sasha.

"Hiya Armin."

"Hey Marco." I looked around. I wasn't sitting too far from Sasha and Annie, I could see them in the corner of the classroom, as I sat in the front.

"You ready?" Marco asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah."

After half an hour of working the sum out, we packed and left for lunch. Walking into the canteen, we were one of the first ones there. I leaned against the wall in the queue with Marco. Something crept into his mind and he moved from the wall.

"Who's that Leonhardt girl then? I know she's been here since the beginning of term, but like, where is she from?"

"She actually comes from my town actually. The other side of town, though. She's new to the area," I lied. He nodded.

"Ahh, alright." The rest of the group followed, but not Sasha. I gulped.

After talking with the others to distract myself, she came through the door, to my surprise, with Annie following her. They were both talking, Sasha taking the lead with what to say. Jean smirked.

"What's Sasha doing with Leonhardt?"

"Their only talking Jean, god. Leave them be. She's really nice actually." Mikasa answered coldly. He blushed, muttering his sorry. I blinked.

"What's your problem with her anyway?" Mikasa practically asked the question that was in my mind.

"Oh, nothing. Its just, like, every single lesson she's there, looking annoyed and angry at everyone."

"I think she's just antisocial. We've talked to her before in group tasks or in P.E. She's great once you know her a bit."

I sighed. That's true. But Annie is a good actress. Connie moved to talk to Sasha, who turned around in an instant. I caught Annie's eye, who looked at Sasha and Connie thoughtfully. I nodded. She smirked.

Shattered (Aruani Highschool AU - AOT/SNK) ✔Where stories live. Discover now