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"-and then he asked me to be his boyfriend and we live happily ever after." michael over-dramatically told the story of his date with calum to luke on the way to school because luke couldn't come over to his house on sunday since luke's cousins came over.

"so he took you to an ice cream parlor? that's so cliché." luke retorted causing michael to smack his chest.

"at least he didn't take me to a zoo on my our first date." michael sassed and luke pouted.

"ashton took us there on our first date because i told him i wanted to see the penguins." luke huffed causing michael to roll his eyes.

"i heard my name." ashton said as he was standing in front of luke's locker.

"luke was just talking about how you're such a good fuck." michael jokingly lied which received a harsh push from luke.

"no, i didn't. stop lying, michael." luke pouted and buried his face in ashton's chest causing ashton to chuckle.

"where's calum?" michael asked, looking around for the maori and frowned when he couldn't find his boyfriend.

"boo!" calum exclaimed from behind michael, causing the pale boy to jump in fear making ashton and luke laugh.

"calum, what on earth! you scared me!" michael pulled a face at calum and crossed his arms over his chest.

calum laughed loudly, the corner of his eyes crinkling which made michael smile but made an angry look when he remembered that he was mad at calum.

"i hate you." michael huffed, walking away from calum and over to his locker which wasn't far away from luke's.

"hey kitten, 'm sorry." calum apologized once he caught up with michael but michael just ignored him.

calum sighed, wrapping his tan arms around his boyfriend's small body from behind and rested his head on michael's shoulder, giving michael small kisses on his neck.

and as much as michael wanted to stay mad at calum, he couldn't stay mad at him forever. calum was michael's weakness and likewise.

michael spun around gently, clasping his hands on calum's neck, "i can't stay mad at you forever, cal." and stood on his tiptoes to kiss calum's forehead.

calum grinned, pulling michael into his warm embrace then peppered kisses all over michael's face, making him giggle loudly but both pulled away when the bell rang.

"let me walk you to class, princess." calum offered but michael shook his head.

"it's okay, cally. i have a period with luke and i don't want you getting late for class." michael said and kissed calum's cheek before luke dragged michael to their class.


"mikey, mikey, mikey!" calum exclaimed, as michael dug in his locker, finding his lunch that his mum made for him this morning.

"yes cally?" michael asked and pulled out a lunch container before shutting his locker.

"uh, i was wondering if you'd sit with me at lunch?" calum asked, "luke and ashton will be there too."

"of course, calum. let's go." michael said and calum led him to the cafeteria with their hands intertwined.

the cafeteria was crowded like always and michael got a bit nervous when calum led him to the 'jock' table. it was mainly for jocks and cheerleaders along with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

calum and michael sat at the end of the table, and michael immediately spotted luke talking to calum and ashton's teammates. michael got a bit jealous of how everyone liked him and how he was easy to socialize.

"who's this, calum?" a brunette haired girl asked and smiled at michael, catching everyone on the table's attention.

"this is my boyfriend, michael clifford." calum introduced him proudly which made michael's heart skip a beat.

"no it's michael hood, idiot." one of his friends corrected jokingly which made michael giggle quietly as he poked around on his 'mac and cheese.

"do you want to share this 'mac and cheese with me?" michael asked quietly, loud enough for only calum to hear.

"sure kitten, why not." calum said, "feed me?"

michael rolled his eyes jokingly though he scooped up a spoonful of 'mac and cheese and fed it to calum.

"it tastes amazing." calum sighed happily, scooping himself some more. michael pouted, bringing a hand to calum's squishy cheeks and pinching them.

"feed me." michael demanded childishly. he opened his mouth and when calum was about to drop a spoonful of 'mac and cheese into michael's mouth, calum slipped the spoon into his.

"calum." michael whined, smacking calum's chest a couple of times.

michael shoved calum harshly and took his lunch container away from calum before eating his 'mac and cheese.

"that hurt." calum pouted, rubbing his arm.

"aw, you guys are so cute." the brunette haired girl commented.

"how the fuck is this cute?" calum questioned, still rubbing his arm.

"i don't know, it just is. i ship it by the way."

"ship? ship a boat? ship it where?" the confused maori asked, cutely tilting his head.

"she ships us as in she likes us together, dumbass." michael sassed and calum quickly stole his lunch container, finishing michael's 'mac and cheese.

"calum, what the hell!" michael exclaimed causing calum to look at him with a mouthful of 'mac and cheese and innocent puppy- dog eyes.

as michael was sitting happily with calum, michael was very nervous when he felt someone glaring and burning holes into his head but he had absolutely no clue to who it was.


the bell rang, indicating that school was over. the sounds of chairs squeaking on the floor filled the room as students began to leave the classroom.

michael collected his books, walking out of the class and over to his locker, stuffing his books in and made his way over to calum's locker and waited for his boyfriend.

calum grinned when seeing michael leaning against his locker, tapping something on his phone. "what're you doing, kitten?"

michael tensed, but relaxed once he realized it was just calum. "uh, i'm just playing this cat game called 'neko atsume'."

"that's cute, babe." calum said, even though he prefered dogs over cats and pecked michael's forehead.

"do you wanna come over to my house today? because i've been to your house and you haven't been to mine." calum played with michael's cotton candy-like hair.

"i'm sorry calum but my dad is picking me up today. maybe tomorrow." michael said with a small frown and kissed the back of calum's hand.

"it's okay princess, maybe next time." calum said and shut his locker after putting away all his stuff.

"bye calum, i'll see you tomorrow." michael said and pressed a sweet longing kiss on calum's cheek as they reached the end of the school hall.

"alright babe, take care." calum murmured tiredly, kissing michael's head and bidding him a goodbye one last time before making his way to his car.

michael's green eyes lit up when spotting his car then ran over, opening the car door and hugging daryl.

"hi daddy." michael said to daryl after pulling away from the hug.

"hi mikey, your mum told me that you've got a boyfriend." daryl said as he drove his car home.

"yeah! his name is calum and he took me on a date on sunday and-"

daryl listened to michael as he continued to ramble about his new boyfriend, smiling at himself when knowing his son is very happy.

this chapter sucks im sorry :-(((

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