Screwing up

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Current began tugging on the chains restraining him. Swaying his tail as hard he could. Then he stopped, Current wasn't exactly sure if there was any guards stationed nearby. He looked at Blizzard who was struggling as well. But stopped, he must have thought the same thing.

"Hey I have an idea." Blizzard said

"What is it?"

"I'll holler for help while you play dead, once a guard gets over here, you knock them out, take their keys. And unlock us."

"Oh come on! There's no way that's going to work. Dragons use that trick way too often."

But as soon as Current finished his sentence, Blizzard started yelling for help.

"Ugh, fine!" He said through gritted teeth.

He lay there with his eyes closed hoping for the guard to be extremely stupid. As soon as he said that Current died, he swung his tail with enough force to knock the guard out.

He looked at the guard which lay on the floor. She had a bunch of scars on her body, as well as blood stained teeth. 

"Uh oh..." He said terrified.


Current reached for the keys as quickly as he could move, struggling to find the correct key.

"Dude!? Why are you moving so quickly?"

He looked up at Blizzard with an expression that showed a mixture of fear and anger.


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