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There was no taken, it was as if they were teleported somewhere different, he looked at Shade, only to see her with completely black eyes, blood dripped from the bottom of her eyes like in his nightmare, he looked at Hya, the same exact thing. Blood dripping from completely black eyes.

Nowhere to go.

Nowhere to run.

There was a bright flash, then everything returned to normal. He was looking at regular Shade.

"Current, are you okay?!?"

Current pulled Shade in for a hug, she paused for a moment, then hugged him back. Current was shivering uncontrollably. 

The three dragons continued on through a long hallway, lights on both sides lighting up as they walk down it.

Hya halted them, there was a large gap in between them and Oryx's throne, Current was glad that he couldn't see the three of them, if he did then they would be dead.

Oh moons...

"I have an idea, You and Shade stick to the shadows, I'll go invisible." Hya said.

"I'll be seen as soon as I take off, I'm blue."

Hya gave Current a look, "go underneath Shade, or above her if you're flying near the ceiling. Her dark scales can camouflage you."

Current blushed "uh, I don't know how I feel about that."

Shade beamed a smile at him, "it's okay C, I won't be too close." 

Hya glared at Current, and he noticed, "Sorry I got something else in the brain."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't ask."

"Don't tell."

Hya's scales shifted to the background around her, and took off.

"Stay above me Current." 

They both took off, Shade faced Current as they were flying toward the ceiling, he didn't know how she was flying while facing upward, but he just let it slide.

They made their way slowly to the ledge, after what felt like 10 minutes they landed on the ledge, two guards were standing there most likely talking about family and some other things.

"Alright, take them out on my mark." Shade whispered.

Current just stared at her.

She smiled, "that means knock them out when I say go, dopey."

"Oh, my mistake."

The two of them moved quietly behind them and they smacked the back of their heads, killing them instantly."

"I thought you said knock 'em out, not kill them."

"I didn't know they were so frail."

They continued on without any problems getting closer to the throne room every step they take.

We're very close, I can feel it.

Current and Shade finally made it to the throne room, but no one was there.

Then why were there two take- oh you know what? Never mind.

At the other side of the room they were staring up at the night sky, with the three moons over head.

The brightest night...

"Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful." Shade said happily. They both walked to the edge of the Dreadnaught to look at the stars, "I didn't know Oryx had a thing for beauty, I always thought he was a corrupted, bloodthirsty dragon bent on absolute control. But now I see I was wrong."

Shade snuggled up close to Current and they both looked up at the sky, Current forgot about worry, anger, and even Oryx at the moment.

"This view almost makes me never want to leave." She said with a sigh.

Current almost wanted to say I love you Shade, but he didn't, so instead he just snuggled up closer to her.

"Lovely isn't it." A voice said.

They both looked back, it was hard to because the view was dazzling but they managed to resist the temptation.

A large NightWing was staring right at them, and a SandWing was standing next to him almost the exact same size.

Oryx, why is he not attacking us?

"Singe and I usually come out here to calm ourselves after a stressful day, it looks as though you had a similar idea." He said vehemently, "I honestly thought you would attack me as soon as you saw me SeaWing, but I guess I was wrong."

He had his wing around the SandWing, and so did she.

That must be Singe.

"I thought you would attack me too." He said coldly, putting his wing in front of Shade.

"Now now, no need to be defensive, I wasn't going to kill you, yet anyway."

Current started to move his tail in a defensive manner, expecting Oryx to attack.

And he was right, Oryx pulled out his sword and lunged at Current.

I'm going to die.

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