chapter 29

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School was hell for me today I didn't want to be there and Ya'ria and Diana was on my tail continuously asking me what was wrong. Danny left in the middle of world history. Tiara and Jill didn't see eye to eye today they were to busy mugging each other and arguing over nothing which was good for me because thankfully they didnt say anything to me but I still received a few stares from them. Chris kept bothering me in class about nothing.

I was now unlocking the door to my house.

As soon as I entered my mother stood up from the couch with red eyes.

" I can explain." Was the first thing that left her mouth as she stared me in the eyes making me feel like I was the one who did something wrong.

" before you bash me in the head with all these questions I want to say I am truly sorry I didnt know... I didn't plan on staying here for so long I just wanted to teach Ryan a lesson... You know." She frowned up at me as she wiped the tears that had slid down her face. " I just wanted to show him that I wasn't afraid of him and that I was capable of leaving him."

My mother sighed and shook her head. " he called the next day and in all honesty I was hoping he would beg me to come back home but that back fired he asked me about you and demanded that I bring you back home... He even threaten to call the police but I told him if he did that I would lock him up for abuse that he has caused me. And of course I would go to jail for taking you away from your father but after I told him that we would both be locked up and Alexis would have to live all the way in new york he agreed to give me... Us space."

I had a small smile on my face just by hearing my father was asking about me.

" he wanted to call and talk to you but I would always make up excuses. I was planning on coming back home but then I heard your father had a new girl friend well fiancé who was pregnant but he truly loved her more than me." She once again wiped at her eyes.

" so I refused to come back I wanted to hurt your father and I wanted him to feel the way I felt he never once put his hands on her but for some reason he had to put his hands on me. I didn't understand what I was doing wrong or why he was doing this to me. He called and left a voicemail when he was in the hospital with the women he wanted to let you know that you had a little brother. I was so selfish and upset that I guess I wanted him to feel like I didn't care to answer the phone and his calls. "

I dropped my book bag as my mouth gated opened. All this was new to me this was the first time of me hearing about my father a new sibling and everything.

"you have to understand I went through a lot with your father. He would disappear almost every day he would just pop up and leave out of no where he wouldn't tell me where he was you want to know how I first found out about him selling drugs. " my mother asked.

I was so interested in the story that I sat down on the floor and listened to what she told me I was cautious because part of me didn't want to believe her she was a liar to me I felt truly alone and sad. That dream that I had about my father played in my mind as I tried to remember his voice but I couldn't I wanted to hear him say he loved me I hoped my mother would tell me that my aunt was lying. I prayed she did.

" is he dead" I finally spoke as I stared at her dead in the eyes.

" I don't know... In all honesty I heard from his other baby mama that he just disappeared I don't think he's dead but he's been gone for 3 years without a sight or trace."

I closed my eyes tightly trying to come up with ideas and conclusions as to where he might be I'd hate to think his gang killed him and covered it up. But part of me was happy and jumping up shouting for joy.

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