ninth month and labor

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peridot and Steven that last day of peridot's pregnancy, they wanted to go in a romantic picnic.Steven shared his feelings for peridot he said that she was beautiful no matter what. he thought she was beautiful, cute, funny, and amazing. peridot also shared her feelings for steven. .she thought he was awesome, amazing, great, and was strong no matter what gets on his way.
once peridot,and Steven finally went home. steven told garnet peridot maybe might go in labor any time. as peridot lay down, Steven and garnet were watching her incase she went on labor. once it was nearly sunrise, Steven nearly fell asleep, so garnet and he now looked at the beautiful ocean. peridot was waking up then she felt a very horrible pain in her abdomen. she clutched to her swelled stomach in pain.

Steven and garnet felt a movement behind them and saw that peridot was rapping her hands in her abdomen. she had also pain in her eyes since they were shut very tight with tears on them. Steven and garnet knew what was happening to her as they looked at each other. Steven was going to get peridot up and then she grabbed Stevens hand tightly with force and fear she squeezes it. steven screeched. peridot then screamed and then garnet told her to breath. steven and garnet were telling her where to sit down, she kept screaming and yelling that it hurts for minutes.

...minutes later

garnet was ready for the delivery. peridot never felt so much pain in her gem life. Steven told her to keep breathing and then it came to the worst part. garnet told peridot to push and she did as she was told. she then breath again. I see the head said garnet. again she did it and again for five times one more time she did it and she felt the pain leave her. peridot finally relaxed and fell back in the bed. peridot heard the wailing coming from the baby. garnet then said "congratulations peridot it's a girl,a healthy cute girl. "garnet then held the infant out to peridot. the infant had her dad's skin tone, and curly hair like her father's but yellow golden was the color of her hair almost like her mother's ,but had her gem in her forehead like her mother and it was Crystal green too like her mother and rounded like her father's gem. as the little cutie opened her eyes they looked like her father's eyes,beautiful deep black eyes. peridot smiled as the baby fussed in her arms. "what should we name her",asked garnet. "jade, topaz," asked peridot ."no",said garnet and Steven!" tourmaline, I don't know ,said an upset Steven given up." no too ugly", said peridot." how about Stephen", said garnet."nice name garnet", said a glad excited peridot.also
"her middle name should be Rosie"."nice choice Steven",said peridot,"her last name should have her father's name as in universe. peridot then passed the baby to garnet and Steven as she lay down weakly. moments later the baby started to cry. garnet and Steven didn't know what to do. the wailing from the baby woke up peridot. she knew what was wrong with Stephen, she was hungry, after Steven and her ate at the picnic she supposed to eat again and feed the baby inside her. since the baby wasn't itside her now she needed her mother's milk. peridot ran as fast as she could. she grabbed the baby and change her into a diaper and clothes rapped her around a blanket and without asking she pulled down her shirt a little and let the baby do her thing. once she did she started drinking her mother's milk, which was a kind of embarrassment for Steven and garnet. Steven and garnet blushed. so did peridot in emerald green, but went to her room with the baby. once the baby was done she was wailing again Steven and garnet didn't know what to do again cause peridot left them the baby to go make her a bottle of milk to feed her later. then peridot came into the room and yelled at them, "why don't you take care of the Stephen. I had to carry her nine whole months and my stomach been swollen cause of her developing inside me,uhhhh I will do it myself".she grabbed the baby and started patting her in the back then Steven and garnet didn't expected what the baby did it burp hard and very loud. "gross,"said Steven."well that is what babies do,"peridot replied. Steven was busy cleaning the house, while peridot was clothes since when she got in labor she made a dirty mess while delivering. garnet was playing with Stephen. just then a horrible smell came from the baby." peridot,Stephen has been rotten by now." no no no no, you got it wrong, she just expelled in her diaper. peridot then changed Stephen in a new diaper and cleaned her up. Stephen then eventually got tired and went to sleep. peridot took her to her crib and relaxed for the day after being in pain, but just fall asleep.

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