Best Friend: Chapter 7

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*Jimin's POV*

We arrived at the campus. Had to go our separate ways because we were clearly in completely different courses and our departments were blocks away from each other.

"Take care okay? We'll meet up as soon as we're done." i said to her, messing up on her hair as we've reached the girl's dormitory block.
Despite the distance between our departments, i was lucky to be staying at the boy's dormitory block that was the nearest to (y/n)'s. Making it easier for me to bug her every chance i get 😂

I smiled at her before gently pushing her towards the entrance.
Several girls came in and out, mostly all of them were juniors as the seniors had already moved into another block. And most of them seemed like they already form new friends and cliques.

Knowing (y/n)'s introverted and anti-social behavior, as i recalled the fact that she has had a series of bad encounters with mean girls at our old school before, i nudged at her shoulder like a big brother and warned her,

"Hey....don't get into any trouble....!"
Turning over her shoulder, (y/n) just stared at me but obdiently kept her silence as she understood my point.

"Do you need help with those bag?" I asked, already bringing myself down towards her bag before (y/n) cut in and quickly grabbed them away from me.
"No no, i have this. Thanks, Jimin. You've already helped me a lot. I got this...." trailing away, she let out a sigh. Calming down her own nerves as she placed her bags behind her.

" me if there's anything, okay? Go on." Nodding, i watched (y/n) reluctantly bring herself and her bags further away from me.
Stepping closer towards the large entrance before disappearing into the mouth of the double door.

*Your POV*

Squinting at the paper then at the door number, i reconfirmed and made sure i got into the correct dorm.

Inserting the key in, i twisted it and turned the knob. Pushing the door open, I let my eyes adjusted itself towards the new surrounding.

A simple dorm with two beds.
I'll be having a dorm-mate. Cool. I thought.
Slowly entering the dorm before closing the door behind me and placing my bags on one of the beds.

Despite the two beds, the dorm had everything in two.
Two study desks.
Two floor lamps.
Two closets. All except for one air-conditioning.

I wonder who my dorm mate will be?
Will she be nice? Will i like her?
Or will she be one of those girls that'll push my buttons every chance she gets?

I shook away the unnecessary thoughts. Remembering why i came here in the first place; is to achieve my goals and strive high in my selected course. Building a career out of my dreams and loving what i do in the end of the day.

And even if i do end up making new friends here, i guess it'll make my experience more sweet than not having any other companions apart from Jimin.

I mean, Jimin is a sweet dude and personable guy. He will surely end up making tons of new friends more than me. And surely there will be times he'll won't even be able to hang out with me like we always do at school because he'll have to make time with his new classmates and new dancing buddies.....and...probably... a new college girlfriend?

Unconsciously and not remembering why i had one of my bags in my hands, i shoved it aside. Causing it to fall onto the floor as the zip accidentally opens, letting the contents fell out a bit.
I didn't worry that much because that particular bag had nothing but my undies and bras in them, nothing electronical so nothing broke.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why does this bother me that much?
I mean...let him have his own friends, for God's sake...he has a life of his own, (y/n). You need to deal with it and burn your silly jealousy away. Because this will definitely take away the focus from your studies if you let it linger too long in your mind. I scolded myself.

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