Best Friend: Chapter 14

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*Your POV*

"(Y/n), did you enjoy your drink?"
I turned around to face Namjoon as he asked me that.

Smiling, i nodded to his answer, perkily. Causing a charming dimpled grin to spread across his face.
"Great, wanna 'dance'?" He asked, slipping both hands around my waist.

"Sure." Not having any other choice, i followed him as he lead me away from his group of loud friends.
Even Jin.

*Jin's POV*

I don't know how many drinks (y/n) handed me but i was beginning to feel a little tipsy.

I soon noticed Namjoon talking to her before whisking her away from me.
I needed to follow her. There was no way I'm leaving her alone with Namjoon.

The stories about him. I've heard it all. From the numbers of girlfriends he have had at the same time during his high school days. To even having a few pregnancy scares.
This guy was the epitome of a playboy. And i don't think the fact that him entering into college isn't going to slow him down any time soon.

"Dammit...! Where the fuck did they go?" I cussed as soon as i lost track of them.
They disappeared so fast into the crowd, i couldn't even tell which two were them.

*Your POV*

I had no idea where he took me.

Namjoon had me by the hand as we went out from the dorm, entering into the halls that revealed another few parties that was happening in that whole floor alone.

"Namjoon, where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with him.
"We're going 'dancing'." He answered, glancing over his shoulder, grinning so devilishly.
"We could've done it in there." I pointed out, still oblivious to what he actually meant.

"Oh, no. I'd like to do it in private *winks*." Pulling me beside him as he slips one arm across my waist.
Pulling me closer to give me a quick peck on the head. Causing my whole body to rain with hotness as my veins pumped more blood throughout my body. Making my heart nearly jumped out from my chest as we enter a random dorm.

When we enter it, the dorm was dark before he switched on the lights.
Revealing a semi messy room with a few shirts scattered on the floor and on one of the beds.

"Who's dorm is this?" I asked, walking into the middle of the room in between the beds.
"My brother. He lets me use this room." Namjoon answers.

"Use it for what?" Slowly turning around, i abruptly met up with Namjoon. Whose face was just a few inches away from me. Starring me down like a hungry predator ready to pounce at me.

"For this...."
Without warning, Namjoon took me by the waist, pulling me closer to him as he slams his lips into mine. Invading my mouth with his long sensuous tongue.

Unconsciously making me moan from the unsuspected pleasure of it when he took fully control of me. Grabbing me by the butt as he gently guides me towards one of the beds while still locked in each other's lips, occasionally letting out soft moans.

Pushing me down gently with his messy kisses, laying me down as we didn't broke away from each other.
Pinned against me, he slipped one arm around me while the other buried itself within my butt. Squeezing it from time to time as he caused more sounds to escaped from my mouth.

And as if that wasn't enough for him, he sneakily slips his hand from my butt to one of my thighs. Pulling my dress up to slip in his hand into my undies.

Namjoon was too fast for me, i hadn't had the chance to push him away when a finger successfully made its way into my womanhood.
"Mmhhhmm....!" I moaned again inside his mouth, digging my fingers into his chest that was meant to push him away.

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