Chapter Three

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The concert ended, "That was so much fun... I can't speak anymore... my throat hurts from screaming so much." I croaked. Talen chuckled, then smirked at me. I looked into his shining eyes, maybe it's not him who likes me, maybe it's me who likes him...

My thoughts were interrupted by Olivia's  squealing, "There choosing the people! We were in the right row, so we have a better chance of being picked!" I smiled, "I am so excited." I know I looked cool and calm on the outside, I was jumping up and down until I got a head rush. Sweat beaded down my cheek, and onto the ground, her mom was coming out soon. I watched and waited for the door to open, and when it did all I could do was pray she'd hand me a backstage pass.

My palms were sweating, my body was shaking. Talen put his hands on my shoulders, "Luna! It's gonna be alright! Calm down!" he said gently. I don't know what it was, it was just something about his touch, that made me feel safe, and made me feel better. That's when Mrs. Swift came out and started handing out the passes. Please be me! Please be me! Please be me! Please be me! She started walking towards us. Please be me! Please be me! Please be me! She handed me, Talen, and then Olivia a pass. I was shaking, "T-Thank you." She nodded.

After she left I turned to face Olivia, we squealed. I almost passed out! "I...cannot...believe that...we..were chosen..." We squealed again. A body guard came out and cupped his hand around the edges of his mouth, "Attention everyone. If you have gotten a backstage pass please form a group this way and follow me." Talen, Olivia, and I walked into the group of fans with passes. The guard waited two minutes and then motioned for us to follow him.

We walked through long hallways and saw many dressing rooms. One was for boy dancers, another was for girl dancers, and one was for back-up singers. The one we stopped at had a gold star on it. It read: Taylor Swift. I nearly fainted! I was so excited! I was finally going to meet my one true hero! My idol! My example! My favorite artist! The guard knocked on the door and cracked it open, he said something to I'm guessing Taylor. Finally, he let us in. We all piled inside. There were mirrors all around us with light bulbs surrounding the border. I saw behind me all the outfits and costumes she gets to wear. Many people had there phones out and were taking pictures.

The body guard silenced everyone and announced Taylor would be coming out soon. I silently screamed and held Olivia's arm for support. I saw the curtain open and Taylor Swift came into the room. She had red lipstick, rosy cheeks, a black purse, a black, brown and white striped sweater, red jeans, a black hat, and black high heel boots.

 She had red lipstick, rosy cheeks, a black purse, a black, brown and white striped sweater, red jeans, a black hat, and black high heel boots

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She walked in with a smile on her face... but mine was larger.

A/N: Please comment and vote. Thanks for reading my OITs! BYE! ;)

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