Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning with a migrane. I sat up and rubbed my head, "Ugh." I groaned. Then I remembered what happened last night. I smiled, and sighed girlishly. Repulsed by my sudden noise I made a face before getting up and making my bed. I threw some frozen waffles in the microwave then pulled out three plates and poured syrup on them. Then I woke up Talen and Olivia.

"Breakfast!" I said as they sleepily sat on the bar stools across from me. "Good morning." I said. "Morning." Olivia replied, grumpily. What? No 'good' morning? What is going on?... I just shrugged it off... Or should I say shook it off. No? Okay... The rest of breakfast was dead silent, and no, not like the movie.

I eventually decided to break that silence, "What's up, Olivia?" She shook her head, "Nothing. Just tired." I rolled my eyes, "But you went to bed early and slept like a rock." Olivia slammed her fork down, "Whatever, Luna!" I jumped a bit, her expression changed "Hey. I'm sorry... It's just that... I'm happy for you and everything, but I can't lie and say I'm not jealous." I hugged her, "I love you, Liv. I appreciate everything you do for me." She hugged me back, "Just  promise you won't forget about me when you get all rich and famous!" I chuckled, "Not that I will, but if I do, I won't... I promise." She pulled back, "Okay... now let's get you ready. Today's a BIG day!


Talen drove me to the stadium, then he returned to the hotel room. I walked inside. Taylor was the first one to greet me, "Hey, Luna!" without warning she trapped me in a bear hug "before we get to work, if it's okay with you, I'd like you to give a speech to everyone. Just say who you are and what you do and stuff?" I nod, "All right." She leads me to the stage and everyone is gathered around; her stylist, manager, her parents, lighting people, everyone. "Um..." I begin "Hi, I'm Luna Pratt and I just want to start off b-by saying how honored I am to be Taylor's opening act tonight. And I want to thank you guys for the opportunity... Taylor Swift has always been my hero, she is that rarest of pop phenomenon who always gets her songs stuck in my head... or at least the chorus," they all laughed "she's the reason I'm here. And the reason your all here. Thank you Taylor." Everyone started clapping and I joined, Taylor blushed and gave me another hug.

Taylor and I went to her dressing room to work on the music for my song. I had the main tune, but she was helping me perfect it. After we finished (which took about an hour an a half), she taught it to her band. While she was doing that, I met her parents. "What did you say your name was, again?" Mr. Swift asked. "L-Luna, sir." Taylor's mom nudged his shoulder, "Scott, don't bother the girl." Scott shrugged, "Andrea, I wasn't." I put my hands in between them, "It's alright." I chuckle "It's nice to meet you." We talked for about 20 minuted before my song was being played. I almost burst into tears, joy of course. Taylor smiled, "So? What do you think?" I swirled around like a princess, "I love it!" Taylor nodded, "Awesome. Luna, I want you to perform the song live." My smile instantly faded, "W-Wait. Wh-What!? W-What if I-I mess up!? It'll be in front of 10,000 people! And-" "Actually..." she inturrupted "we have a packed house tonight. The show's sold out, so it'll be in front of 100,000 fans." I nearly fainted "B-But it'll be alright! I believe in you, just pretend it's you and me, okay?" I nodded, nervously.

The rest of the day we spent getting ready, and when it was drawing nearer to showtime Taylor and I got dressed and got our hair and make up done. Then we went on stage for a practice run. I was first. "You ready?" Taylor asked. I shake my head, "First, pinch me." She looked confused, "Why?" "Because I need to make sure this is all real." She pinched my elbow. "Ow!" She giggled, "Now do you believe it's real?" I nod "Luna, you are so talented! Everyone has the capability to sing or song-write, but not everyone has the real talent to sing or write good or meaningfully. You have that. Now, go break a leg... Not literally." We laugh, me fake and nervously more than real. I got this! I got this! I got this!

The drummer started playing the introduction, then the guitarist started playing, then the rest of the band and it was time to start singing. I took a deep breath, and started singing my song. Thankfully, it was a slower song so I didn't need to have as much confidence in the first verse as the chorus. I sang my heart out. I gave it my all. I tried so hard. And everyone there was watching me! My hand started to sweat and I almost dropped the microphone. Earlier, I had been taught some easy, but cool choreography, and I did it perfectly. As soon as I'd gotten to the second verse, all my fear was gone! I did the "Taylor Swift Mic Pose" and ended with a smile ear to ear. I got this!... I did this!

They all cheered... for me! I was so happy! Taylor ran up to me, "Luna! That... That was incredible! Do that at the show and you'll be great!" she patted my back as I left the stage. Then she started singing "Welcome to New York." Scott and Andrea met me backstage, they gave me their "good job"s and I waited for practice to be over. A couple hours later, the whole stadium was full of screaming fans. Taylor smiled at me before greeting them and introducing me. "'Imperfections' written by Luna Pratt!" she exclaimed. The lights went out and I hurried on stage, my back to the audience. I took a deep breath as a single ghost-light clicked on me. Then the music started. I got this...

A.N/ 'Ello! 'Ello! Thank you all so much for the support with this story! Do you guys like it! I honestly love it! And, no not because I wrote it! XP Please comment and vote bye! 

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