Chapter Twenty-six

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*One Month Later*


I'm going on tour! Oh, I can hardly wait! You know that feeling when you try to unplug something, but the cord shocks you and it feels good but bad at the same time? Yeah... that's how I feel right now. I got a manager and his name is James Nottingham, he's in his twenties. James is helping me organize everything like outfits and the order of songs I'll be singing or the cities I'll be performing at.

It's harder being on tour when it's yours because I have to work harder because I'm the main act not the opening act. I have to learn double the choreography, wear twelve different outfits, and not mess up for this is my first tour let alone concert of my own. Taylor has been such a great supporter and I had a great seventeenth birthday. Talen and are are doing great and Olivia an are are closer then ever. My parents have been very supportive and honestly I can't believe that they had ever let me do this in the first place.

I said goodbye to my family again and my mother nearly cried but I think they all realized that I'm growing up, this is my dream, and I'm starting my life-long career now. I kissed Talen goodbye even though my dad gave us the stink-eye and gave everyone a billion hugs before I took my bags and loaded them into a limo. Then I headed for my bus and I was awestruck! It had my album cover across it! Then it took me to my first destination.

Since Taylor was done with her tour, she agreed to come with me for some of it to do the song we did together. I am so excited! Taylor's meeting me there, but unfortunately she can only do three concerts with me. But I can use as much of her help as I can get. Being on tour this time should be much easier this time and I'm just hoping nothing goes wrong. Yeah, knowing myself, that's probably not going to happen...

When I arrived it was so crazy. I don't know how anyone deals with this as the main act! There are like seven different people telling you what you need to do and like three asking you questions all at the exact same time! I was there for like six hours before I was allowed to leave. Taylor gave me some advice about making a schedule to make sure everything's done and stay organized. The concert's tomorrow and I can barely sleep! Wooo!


I had to wake up at four the next morning for some last minute set ups and rehearsal. Everything was together and before I knew it, it was time for the concert to begin. All the fans came in, but there weren't a lot you know, since I'm sort of new and all. Most of them I recognized from when I was Taylor's opening act. It wasn't a full house, but I didn't care.

I was under the stage, ready to be lifted up just telling myself not to throw up... and not to wake up.

A.N/ I'm so happy for this new idea I have for this book. Not over anytime soon that's all I have to say. How y'all are enjoying! Love ya! Bye! P.S. It's late, but it's a DOUBLE UPDATE!... you welcome... :P

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