Chapter Twelve

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We finally made it to Toronto! It only took 12 hours! Taylor and I took our bags to the dressing room and the manager gave us a tour of the place. After about 2 hours, we got to settle and take a rest before show prep. Taylor and I talked about my album.

"I'm thinking that the song we just wrote can go on your album." Taylor began "And whatever songs you wrote that are your favorite my band can help make the music if you want, just to get you started. We can do an audition for a band of your own, and then you can start having your own concerts and tours." I gushed, "I honestly can't believe this is happening! And I cannot thank you enough!" i gave her a huge hug. She laughed, "It's my pleasure, but I have a question for you." I nod "Are you ready to be a popstar?" I nod, "Yes! 1,000 times yes!" SHe smiled, "Okay, but I must warn you. It comes with a lot of maturity. There are going to be lots of mean things people say, but you know, 'Haters gonna hate!'" I chuckled "But I mean, as a performer you can't reply to these things, and the media goes nuts on everything you give them so you just... have to be careful is all I'm trying to say."

"Thanks Taylor." I gave her another hug. "Well, we have a half and hour before show prep. Wanna play a game of truth or dare?" she asked. I shrug, "Sure." We sit down and play a few turns until I ask, "Truth or dare?" She thinks for a second, "Ummmm... truth." I tap my chin, "What is... something embarrassing about you that you don't want anyone to know?" I asked. "Darn it! Um... well, okay... you cannot tell a soul, promise!?" I cover my heart, "I promise." Taylor sighed, "Okay, well my brother... he calls me... ugh! Teffy." I snort, "Teffy!" I burst into laughter. "Okay! It's kind of funny, but you cannot tell anyone!" I stop laughing, "I won't! I swear!"

"We start to prep for the concert when Taylor says, "I called my manager and he scheduled auditions for your band Friday." I flinched, "Really! That soon! But your so busy! You really don't have to!" Taylor shakes her head, "No. I insist!" I smile and shake my head, "Thanks." "No problem." After the concerts, we load on to the bus again. "Next stop, Des Moines!" Taylor shouted. Then we were off on a 12 hour and twenty minute drive. Here we go again!

"Teffy, can you hand me that notebook." I say. Taylor groans, "Don't call me that!" I laugh, "Okay, I won't! But can you hand it to me, I have a lyric idea." She picked it up and tossed it over to me. I scribbled down a chorus: "Roses might be red, Violets might be blue. I like watching the sun set, but not as much as I love singing with you." I think to myself of any other ideas, but then I literally pass out.

When I awake it's 3:03 a.m. and Taylor's fast asleep. I check my Instagram. Just as Taylor said, there were haters. "I can sing better than that when I'm sick!", "My two-year-old sister wrote a song better than that!", and "You sound like a dying goat!" was some of the comments I got. But I didn't care, I did a good job, and that's all I cared about. I looked over at Taylor, "Thank you." I said.

A.N/ Hope you guys enjoyed. You're going to LOVE the next chapter. Bye :)

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