Chapter Sixteen

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We woke up early to get to the auditorium we were holding the auditions in. I was super excited to be finally getting a band of my own! While Taylor and I waited for the first one to arrive I finished up a new song I've been writing since the beginning of the tour:

When my heart was broken,

you were there with the bandage.

When I had a problem,

you came to help me manage.

And in the end,

I'm glad you're my friend.

You've always been there for me

Even though it hasn't always been pretty

I really can't thank you enough.

Sometimes the road has been rough

But I don't care,

'Cause you were always there.

When I needed saving,

you'd come to my rescue.

When I'd start crying,

you'd have the tissue.

And oh, your hugs,

would remind me how I'm loved.

You've always been there for me

Even though it hasn't always been pretty

I really can't thank you enough.

Sometimes the road has been rough

But I don't care,

'Cause you were always there.

When you knew I needed you by my side,

you were there.

When you knew I needed somewhere to hide,

you were there.

I knew I'd never be alone,

'cause you were there.

Even when my words cut deep into the bone,

you were there.

You were always there.

You've always been there for me

Even though it hasn't always been pretty

I really can't thank you enough.

Sometimes the road has been rough

But I don't care,

'Cause you were always there.

I tapped my pencil to my chin. "Good stuff?" Taylor snapped me out of my thoughts. I look over to her, ", I just finished a new song and I'm deciding which ones I want for the album. I think I've got them all." We smiled together. "You excited?" she asks. I nod quickly, "Yes!"

A few minutes later, the first person walks in. She had have shaved pink hair to the side and seemed to have a million piercings. I sigh, "I don't think I want someone who looks like that one stage with me in front of a young audience." I whisper to Tay. "Let's just see how she sounds." she replied. Immediately, the mic booms and my ears start ringing. She was terrible. I didn't need to look at Taylor to know she was immediately crossed of the list.

I groaned, maybe finding a band wouldn't be as easy as I thought. I was lead singer and guitarist, I needed a bassist, at least two backup singers, and a drummer. That's at least four people I need to find in four hours! I hope this all works out.

After a couple more bad auditions, a boy with red hair and green eyes comes in to drum. While he was performing, I said to Taylor, "He looks like he's having fun." She nodded, "Yeah, I think we found our drummer." I nod and circle him. There were two other drummers who already auditioned, so he was our choice. His name was Mason.

The next thirty minutes past and next to audition was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, named Elijah. He was playing the bass. Only three others were bassist and either blew the speakers or broke a sting. He was a little off tune, but he was pretyy good over all. Then some twin blonde girls auditioned to be backup singers an hour after him and they were definately the best of the day. Most of the people auditioning wanted to be back-up singers, but we chose them; their names were Holli and Molli.

The four hours passed, and Taylor and I chose everyone we wanted/needed, so we closed auditions. "Elijah, Mason, Holli, and Molli. And if you'd like we can have some dancers..." Taylor says. "I liked that group of five we saw, that'll do for now. I'm really tired..." I replied "Thanks for all your help today." She nods and shakes some peoples' hands, "No problem. Let's head back to the bus."

So I've got my band, now it's time to start figuring out the rest of my album.

A.N/ Just a fill in, hope you guys like my new song. Things will start getting more interesting now. Bye :)

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