Chapter Ten

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Above is close to what Luna looks like-she has a little lighter of hair and looks a little older-below is her first album. (Explain that later)

 (Explain that later)

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"What do you mean?" I asked my father over the phone. He sighed on the other end, "I'm sorry Luna, but they have school. They can't stay on tour. Only you can, alright?" I understood now, I wish they could come, but what's the point? They'd be mindlessly bored the entire time and miss school for two months.

"I understand, dad. I love you. I'll miss you. Thanks a bunch! I'll text Olivia and tell her she needs to get going." I say.

"Good girl. I love you."

"Love you."

I hang up. I walk out of the dressing room ans start explaining everything to Taylor, then I text Olivia the news, say goodbye to her and Talen, and finally get ready to leave for the tour bus with Taylor and her crew. I pack my stuff I already had and the new clothes Taylor got me. Later that day, we were driving in the bus on our way to Toronto, Ontario Canada, which would take 12 hours. I lived in Nebraska, about 9 hours and 40 minutes to where the concert I went to was. Taylor and I watched movies and talked and stuff.

I decided to go onto my Instagram account. I hadn't been on since before the concert and I wanted to see what my followers were saying about my performance and the fact that I was now Taylor Swift's opening act. I opened the app and it was crawling with notifications. I had 1,000+ follow requests, many comments on my posts, and I was tagged in tons of pictures. "Taylor?" I asked.  "Yes?" she asked looking up from her own phone. "Are you a private account on social media?" She shook her head, "Why?" I shrug, "Should I be? People want to follow me now." She smirked and shrugged too, "It's up to you, Luna." I nod and go on my account settings and turned it to an un-private account. Then added that cute little blue check mark to my name.

 Then added that cute little blue check mark to my name

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(Took me forever to make, hope you like it. Mind the mistakes)

I fell asleep at 10 o'clock that night and woke up and 9 a.m. the next morning. The cook made us breakfast and it was delicious! It was waffles, eggs, hash browns, and blueberry syrup. The chef offered me a piece of bacon and I said, "No thank you, I'm a vegetarian." Taylor swallowed her food, "Really? That's cool!" I nod, "Yes. Not going to go into detail, it's too sad for me to think about how horrible animals are treated."

Later that day, after watching "The Purge," we start talking again.

"I have a surprise for you!" Taylor says.

"Really? What is it?" I ask, trying hard not to sound too desperate.

She leans over and takes a piece of paper out of her purse and turns it over. It's a picture of me. "What is it?" I ask.

"The layout of your first album!" Taylor replies, excitedly.

"I have an album!?" I squeal.

She give me the paper, "Well not yet, but... if you rock the next concert my agent says he wants to sign you as an artist!"

I just sat there in shock, "He does! Like... my own concerts and songs and-"

"Yes!" she smiled "You'll be your own artist!"

I stand up and pace back and forth fanning myself with my hands, "Is it hot in here?" Taylor giggles, "I just ask one thing..." she has a sarcastic serious and mad face now "you'll write a song with me." Then we burst out laughing. "Of course I will! You got me here!" I give her a hug. She grabs a pad and pen, "Let's get started then!"

A.N/ Hey OITs, hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote! I also have two songs I want them to write, by the title which one do y'all want?

1.) Pretending 


2.) Do you really

Thanks, bye! :)

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