Chapter Twenty-nine

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Once Taylor finished her tour I figured she would've caught up with me to help me out. But she didnt. And when I tried calling her it went straight to voicemail. This was very unlike her because she never put down her phone. I just shrugged and moved on even though it hurt a little.

The next month blazed by and there was still no word from Taylor. Or Talen. It was odd, it was almost as if everyone stopped talking to me. I still got messages or calls from my parents or Olivia, but it wasn't nearly as often as it had been.

Eventually, Taylor showed up during one of our rehearsals.
"Taylor!" I exclaimed happily, giving her a hug "where have you been?"
She didnt look so excited, "Luna, I need to talk to you... actually nevermind,"
"What? What's wrong?"
She sniffed and regained her composure, "I said it's nothing! You should get back to your rehearsal!"

That night, Talen texted me. I'd asked him where he'd been and he said it was none of my business. Why was everyone acting so strangely?
"Taylor," I began "Will you please just tell me what's going on?"
"Nothings going on." She replied flatly.
"Well, then why do you seem so upset?"
She threw her hands in the air, "Luna stop bugging me or I'll just leave, alright!?"
I flinched, "Sorry."

I'd never seen her so angry before. Except for in her videos, but she was just acting. What had gone on while she was gone? Had someone bullied her, did she not win an award or something?

I decided to leave her alone for a few days, but there was no progess. So I couldn't keep it to myself any longer and I told her straightforward to tell me what the problem was. At first, she looked super pissed at me, then she just burst out in tears telling me she was so sorry.
"Calm down..." I patted her back "it's okay just tell me what happened."
It took her a while to calm down enough to talk clearly, "I'm sorry Luna it all just happened so quickly... we didn't mean to I just... I... I'm sorry."
"Taylor... what?"
"I kissed Talen."

A.N/ Ooooohhhhhh!!! Do you guys hay me lol. Please comment and vote bye.

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