Chapter Thirty-four

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I stayed to myself on the tour bus, driving to the next stop. Not that there was anyone to talk to. Fame really does screw with your head. I've lost my boyfriend, my best friend, and my partner... who got me here to begin with.

Just then, I received a text chime. I only looked at my phone from a distance. It was on the other end of the seat. I wanted to see who texted me, but I didn't want to see anymore hurtful words. (Even though I deserve it all) Eventually, I just gave in and picked up my phone. It was a text from Taylor. I read the message:






Do you want to talk?


What's there to talk about?


I've just been thinking a lot about our feud and I feel like it should come to an end.


Haha, well... that's easier said then done.


The thing is... A: We both made stupid mistakes B: We're both even and C: I'm the adult here, I should've handled the situation maturely and not how I did... I'm sorry.


I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I'm almost an adult so I should know by now how to act.


Well duh :P


Lol... so we good?


Yeah, we're good. :)


Guess who I'm listening to right now.


Hmmmm..... me?


How do you know?


Because I'm here.



I looked up from my phone, and sure enough, Taylor enters from the other room. I jump up, "What?! You were here the whole time?" Taylor puts her hands up in defense, "That depends... are you mad?" I give her a look, "Are you kidding!? No! I'm so happy to see you! AHH!" I embrace her with a hug. Taylor takes a seat across from me, "So what do you say, wanna write one last partner song for your final concert?" I nod super-duper fast, "Hell yeah!"

So we get to work and decide to perform it together. I'm sort of bummed that this is my last concert of my tour, but I'm glad I get to go back home and be with my friends and family again. I've missed them so much. I still get to be famous and all since my career is just started. I have gotten the same record deal as Taylor and my manager has big plans for me, but for now, I just want to be home for a while.

As I performed with Taylor that night, our feud not only ended, but our friendship rekindled and I felt happier then I'd been in a long time.  Everyone makes mistakes. Not only is everything that stereotypes Taylor is wrong, but I've learned that she's a normal human just like anyone else. She makes mistakes too, and that's 100% okay. The press, of course, wouldn't stop questioning us about the whole situation. After the meet and greet, the whole staff had a big after party as a celebration of a great tour. 

I clinked my glass, (full of soda, of course) "May I have everyone's attention, please?" As soon as everybody's eyes fell on me I began my speech, "I just want to start out by thanking everyone for everything they've put into this tour, I honestly couldn't have done it without you all. My band, my manager, and my... partner." Taylor smiled at me.

"But it really hasn't been an easy journey so I guess the really thank you would be for everyone putting up with me," everybody-including me- laughs "Anyway.... none of this wouldn't have been possible without Taylor, I really cannot thank you enough! Your generosity has allowed my dreams to come true! I'm gonna be in a movie! There's so much more to come and I really can't wait. Who'd have thought?... Dreams can come true... And none of it would've happened if I hadn't been partners with Taylor Swift." I raised my glass "A toast to her. To Taylor Swift!"

"To Taylor Swift."

The End

A.N/ Honestly guys, when I first started this chapter, I didn't think I'd finish it. XD But, I feel like this is the ending it needed and I hope you all agree. Thanks to everyone's support. Please comment and vote, bye :)

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