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  Annie dropped countless bags onto her soft, purple plush bed hours later, she could hear her sister talking to her mother about the secret spot, and she rolled her eyes, so much for secret.

  That's okay, she didn't care. She could create a hundred new secret spots when she made it big time as an actress. She snickered to herself, already thinking so high and mighty, might not be the best idea. She didn't want to get her hopes up too far, to only be crushed. She needed to be realistic.

She would be leaving her home in four days. That was enough time to pack properly and not miss an item, and enough time to say farewell to her close friends and family members. Well Archie and Diana were already in the know, so all she had left was her best friend, Stacey.

Immediately she picked up her phone and clicked for speed dial, and it began ringing, she waited patiently until she gave up and hung up the phone. She would see that she called, and call back. She always did.

So what could she do in the meantime? She bounded out of her room, abandoning her shopping bags, and almost ran into her mother, for the second time that day.

"Child, you better start walking again before you break something." She scolded, making Annie frown, "Sure, mom."

She quickly walked past her mother and left the house, the cool evening air of California brushed up her light blouse and left shivers running across her body.

She inhaled the cool breeze and smiled again, she really was going to miss this place, and she didn't really, exactly know how long she would be gone for.

Weeks? Months? Years? She shivered again, but it wasn't because of the breeze, only now was she beginning to feel her nerves. What if she messed up or did something unforgivable to get her fired? What if she couldn't take the stress of TV and had to leave them high and dry with no star?

She stepped from the porch, her bare feet hitting the cool concrete walkway, she sighed and let it calm her nerves. She walked on until she hit the end of the driveway.

It was time to do something with her life, time to start something amazing. She knew this was going to be great, she knew something great was going to come out of this experience. Whether it be a big break, the start of something new, or even the experience to get her going in the movie business, it had to mean something!

She was determined if not anything, and with another big breath of California air, she smiled again and turned back on her heel, heading back into the house.

The packing wasn't going to do itself.


  "Mom! Archie! Aren't you gonna come bid me off?" Annie called into the house, the door wide open and the windy breeze flowing through.

  It was a little cooler out that morning, and they were expecting a storm. She wanted to be at least at the airport before it touched down. She still didn't know exactly where they were headed, but Abigail had already set up everything and was meeting her at the airport.

Annie inhaled deeply, and waited by her car for her mother and sister to appear, and when they did she smiled sheepishly. Her sister came down the steps first, "Have fun, and don't forget to keep me updated and call me every chance you can get,"

"and when you know where you're going." Archie was talking a mile a minute as she squeezed her sister in a tight hug. Annie laughed, "You're gonna blend me permanently in your skin if you don't stop squeezing me."

  Archie chuckled and let her sister go, and Diana took the opportunity to come forward and give her a tight, quick squeeze, "Gonna miss having you around here, sweetie."

"I'll just be a phone call away, mom." Annie tried to play it off, but really there were tears threatening to escape, and if she didn't make her escape pronto, they would appear. She sighed and gave one finally hug to her sister before she got into her little car, and slowly edged down the road, waving goodbye.

After the horrendous drive, Annie was never so happy to see an airport. She also never ran into one quicker than she did now, but somehow her clothes were still absolutely soaked by the time she walked in.

She groaned and pulled her cellphone from the side pocket of her luggage bag. She only had three bags, believe it or not. After all the shopping she'd done and even the clothes she already had, there still really wasn't much.

Checking the time, she nearly fell as she tried to sprint forward. Her flight was due to go in 5 minutes! And she still hasn't followed up with Abigail yet! She hurried through the airport, having absolutely no idea where to turn, so she made a few random turns and then spotted a flight attendant walking through the airport at a slow, steady pace.

Annie raced to her side, startling the poor woman, but she didn't pause, "Do you know where I can find the flight to.." Annie paused.

"To?" The woman asked, her bright red lipstick turning up in a slight smirk, "I don't exactly know where I'm going." Annie admitted. The woman laughed, "You're on your own, girl."

She walked away, leaving Annie standing there staring after her. She looked up, didn't matter anyway, if it was on schedule, the plane would be leaving about now.

"Annie!!" She heard a shrill voice call her name, but she couldn't see where. Annie twisted this way and that, looking for the woman who called her. Then she heard her name again, and it was closer this time. She turned around, and saw a beautiful young woman with straight, long brown hair flowing behind her as she ran.

"This way, come on!" Annie didn't hesitate, she followed Abigail through the airport, dodging people as they went, almost knocking plenty of people over.

Annie really felt like a movie star now, running through the airport, she tried to imagine a hoard of fans chasing them, but it was hard when all she could hear was strangers yelling at her to watch where she was going. She giggled slightly, thankful that Abigail didn't hear her.

They ended up at flight 638, and the flight attendant was just about to turn into the hallway leading towards the plane when she saw them coming and stepped to the side, extending her arm to hurry them along.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Abigail praised the woman who took their passports for about a second, handing them back, "Quickly, ladies!"

"Thank you so much!" Annie said as the two girls breezed passed her and hurried through the hallway, the flight attendant closing the door behind her.

  "I can't believe we made it." Breathed Annie, she was finally going down from her adrenaline rush, and she was ready to fall asleep.

  "How long is this flight?" Annie asked as they walked down the aisle towards their seats. Annie didn't know where to go, so when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she twisted and saw Abigail seating herself down in a threesome seat, so Annie complied, sitting next to her and leaving the one beside her empty. She hoped it stayed that way.

  "About 7 hours." Abigail answered, making Annie groan, "Are you kidding me? Where are we going, Abigail?"

  Abigail sighed, "Alright, we're already on the plane, might as well tell you. We're going to Canada." Abigail answered with a smile on her small lips, made bigger with lipstick tricks.

  "Canada? That's the big secret?" Annie snorted a laugh, but then Abigail waited, and the laughter died down, "Wait. It's March, it's warm down there in March, right?"

  Abigail looked down at her hands, "Abigail? It's warm down there by March, isn't it?" Abigail looked up apologetically, "I brought shorts and tank tops!"

  Abigail chuckled, "You'll need them eventually, but right now, I'm pretty sure some parts just got snow."

  Annie groaned, putting her head in her hands, this was going to be just great.

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