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    The next morning Annie awoke in a an unfamiliar area, she sat up quickly, beginning to panic, and also beginning to lose sight, "Ohh.. Head rush."

  There was a slight knock on the door, "Annie, can I come in?" She nodded, still holding her head, then realized he wasn't able to see her.

  "Come in." She looked up and only now, as he opened the door and walked forward to sit on the edge of her bed, did she realize how awful she must have looked. She self consciously pulled the covered up to her shoulders.

  Arron was wearing nothing but a loose white tee shirt and a pair of black boxers. She felt like she shouldn't look.

  "I found another envelope. I didn't wanna read it unless I was with you." Annie nodded and let him open the letter, pulling it out and clearing his throat before he started reading it.

  "Good morning, couples. You think it's over? It's not even close. You won't pick another roommate until tonight, where you will both step out and decide if each other, is what you want." Arron paused here, and looked up to Annie, she just blinked at him, then back down to the paper. He continued.

  "You will spend the day together, finding things to do, talking to each other, seeing if you can handle the other for just 12 more hours. At 8 o'clock tonight, you will decide if you're day together was too much, or too little. Enjoy." Arron inhaled deeply and folded the letter back up, placing it on the sheets.

  "Quite a challenge." He commented, not meeting Annie's eyes. She just nodded, then she cleared her throat, "I'm sure we can find something to do."

  "How about we start with breakfast. I don't know about you, Annie. But I'm starving." Arron smiled at her, finally meeting her eyes, she nodded and he stood and walked out of the room, calling that he'd meet her downstairs.

  She sighed, letting the covers fall back down to her lap. She looked at her sleep attire. Why did she choose a matching pair of pink sheer shorts, and tank? Was she crazy?

  After dressing, she chose a simple pair of workout leggings, and a loose black tee shirt, going over her favourite sports bra, she left the room. She was putting her hair in a bun when she met Arron in the kitchen.

  She smelled bacon, ham, eggs and sausage. She didn't remember seeing a lot of this in the freezer, but then again, she didn't look too deeply in the freezer.

  Arron had his back to her, he was stirring something in a bowl, and when her foot creaked on the hardwood floor, he turned. He kept the bowl in his hands, and smiled at her appearance, "Planning on going for a run?" He joked.

  She frowned, but quickly recovered and forced a small laugh, "No, I just find it comfortable.

  "What are you making?" Annie changed the subject, sitting herself down on the bar stool. He turned back to the counter, "Scrambled eggs. They were always my favourite type of eggs. How about you?"

  Annie hesitated for a second, then realized what he was asking, she stuttered, "I always, I mean, I liked a lot of different ways to make eggs. Sunny side up was my favourite.. I guess." Her cheeks burned and she looked down at her hands.

  "Want me to make that, too?" Arron asked, turning back towards the counter, but Annie shook her head, realizing again that he couldn't see her, she blushed harder then muttered a decline.

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