t w e l v e

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"Annie, I don't understand. Did something happen?" She wasn't crying. Surprisingly. She was warm, and she was safe in his arms. She didn't answer him.

  Then he pulled away and looked into her eyes, the blue of his piercing into hers, "Annie, talk to me. Please. You're killing me." His desperate plea struck something in her. She nodded and stood up straight, she grabbed his hand and led him through the living area and back outside.

  She didn't know what brought her out here, but the cool air felt so good on her clammy, sweaty skin. She inhaled deeply, her hand falling from Tyler's.

"Annie. Please." Tyler's voice sounded again, Annie turned around to face him. "I don't know what I can tell you. They wouldn't even disclose what happened on the show. They probably won't even show this conversation." Tyler didn't speak, just waited for her to continue. He was leaning towards her, so he took her hand again, so gently, and pulled her to the two chairs.

  They sat together, facing each other, eyes locked, "If they won't even show this conversation, then why can't you tell me?" He asked quietly. She just looked down at her hands, still pressed into Tyler's palm, and sighed.

  "You're right. Brock came onto me.. while I was in the shower. I hope they don't broadcast this. I was vulnerable, scared and unwilling to commit to his sexual desires. I don't know what he thought me as.." Annie looked back up to meet Tyler's eyes. They read anger, and care all at the same time.

  "What? You're saying Brock tried to.. tried to.." Annie just nodded, and Tyler didn't go any further. He was pulling her into his arms, the warmth of his body radiating, "I feel so safe when you hold me. I wanted to get matched with you so I could kick your ass for not calling me after we met the first day I was in Toronto."

  Tyler coughed out a laugh, "You know what Annie, I was scared. Scared of denial, and at the same time I knew I was coming onto this show. Why would I want something as badly as I wanted you, when I invested so much of my time into this show?" Annie offered a small smile as he pulled back, "You wanted me?"

  "It's not everyday you see a stunning, clueless girl in a Tim Hortons." He winked, and she chuckled, "What did they tell you?"

  "I knew something had to have happened. They came to the cabin I was in, while we were readying for the ceremony, and pulled me out of the room. Tasha wasn't too pleased when I told her I wasn't saying yes to her, and that I was leaving." Annie raised her eyebrows at the mention of this girl's name.

  "Tasha?" She asked, and a disgustingly familiar feeling etched itself into her chest; jealousy.

  "The girl I was matched with two days ago." Annie nodded, "What about the closing ceremony?" Annie suddenly looked away and into the forest, although the ceremony was held in the other direction.

  Tyler leaned close to her, his breath warming her cheeks, "Listen." He whispered.

Annie shut her eyes and let his warmth radiate around her, then she heard what he was talking about. The ceremony was happening right now. She could faintly hear the videos being played. Some girls actually got back in that booth?

  "They just didn't include us, I suppose." Tyler's lips raised up in a half smile, his glazing eyes relaxed on Annie's figure, "Who cares?"

  Annie didn't have any more time to think, or ask any of the questions she's been dying to ask, Tyler's lips were soft, and she felt like she was flying. Her entire being lifted into the air.

  Everything felt forgotten.

  As soon as she pulled away, her eyes refused to open, wanting to relish in this bliss, this heaven. Then she remembered the show, and her stomach dropped.

  "What's going to happen?" Annie whispered, Tyler chuckled, his breathing ragged, "I don't know. How about we enjoy this time we have together, and vote yes at the end of tomorrow night?"

  Annie smiled, "I like that idea." She whispered, looking away slightly.

  Tyler stood up, "Come on, let's go back inside. I think we're both due for some hot chocolate." Annie stood up and took the hand he offered her, and together they entered the cabin.

  Upon walking inside, Annie and Tyler both stopped in the doorway, and stared into the cabin before them. Something they hadn't done, neither of them, as they were both sitting together outside, had been done to the inside of their cabin.

  All around the area, around the living area, with the giant couch and fireplace, and the kitchen, the beautiful counter tops and even the bar stools, lay maybe hundreds of little white candles. They were all lit, and moving slightly, lighting up the entire room with their eerie glow.

  "You didn't.. and I didn't.." Annie started, but Tyler just shook his head, "Maybe they're being nice to us, after everything that had happened?"

  Annie scoffed, but Tyler looked down at her and raised his eyebrows, "Maybe.." She said, she looked away from his gaze to stare back at the glowing candles.

  "I'm almost scared to move, I feel like every object in here in flammable." Annie said, making Tyler bark out laughter, "Come on." He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her into the floor, where there were no candles, he motioned with his hands for her to stay where she was, and she nodded, blushing slightly when she saw what he was doing.

  He moved slowly across the room and pressed a couple buttons on the CD player sitting on a low table, then when soft music wafted around the room, he stood and looked over at her, a small smile on his lips.

 Annie recognized the song, it was Always by Peter Bradley Adams. She blushed a little further. He slowly walked back over to her, and took her hand in his just as the soft voice of its singer came over the speakers.

  He pulled her close to his body, her head rest on his chest, she felt his steady breathing on her neck. She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. They slowly swayed with the beat, and Annie had never felt so safe, so wanted and loved, as she did at this moment.

  Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, maybe this was all a giant mess for a reason, maybe she needed the heartbreak, to find what she really wanted.

  Just less than 24 hours ago she was so ready to tell off every producer of this show and walk out of the set faster than the candles around her could go out with a single breath, and now she was being held by someone who wouldn't disappoint her, who wouldn't break her heart, someone who would cherish her.

  She almost couldn't believe this was all happening in one day.

  Tyler pulled away slightly, until his face was mere inches from her own, and she smiled, her stomach was aching with butterflies, and her face was probably as red as a beet, she assumed. But she wasn't going to waste this moment, so when he leaned in again she leaned back and her eyes fluttered closed.

  His lips were soft, they were perfectly molded to fit hers, and she felt that. She felt it in her stomach, in her mind and in her heart. She hoped he felt the same thing.

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