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    After discarding many outfits, they'd finally chosen one that seemed adorable and eye catching, but also very casual and comfortable, much to Annie's delight.

  A cute pair of blue, slightly ripped at the knee jeans, an off white pair of sporty and cute sneakers, with a flowing white tank top, also paired with a green pullover. Altogether, Annie was delighted with the choosing.

  "We have hours to waste, what can we possibly do to pass the time?" Annie asked as she folded her jeans to place on top of the empty table in her trailer. Abigail let herself fall on the giant couch, and sighed. Her eyes slowly fluttered closed, "How about a well deserved nap. Really, when was the last time you slept after that plane ride?"

  Annie hadn't really thought about her terrible sleep last night. Or the night before that, or before that.. Abigail had a point.

  Annie chuckled and watched as Abigail stretched her hands behind her head. She walked right by her and decided to take it to the bedroom, one she hadn't seen yet.

  She pushed open the sliding door at the end of the hallway - with great difficulty, as it was stuck for a moment, and gasped again as she noticed a decent sized double bed. In all honesty, it might be too big for the room, she had maybe 3 feet of walking space.

  This flaw made Annie breathe a little better and she sighed and slipped off her shoes, letting herself fall to the comfort of the plush mattress.

  It was heaven. Annie couldn't get enough of the plush inline of the comforter, or the slight comforting smell of laundry detergent. She found herself inhaling the scent.

  She hadn't known that she had fallen asleep until she heard a lot of banging and shuffling, and she sat up in time to see Abigail struggling with the sliding door, "There you are, it's almost 4:30! We have to get you dressed and head to makeup!"

  Annie shuffled out of bed and let Abigail drag her back to the front of the trailer, where she shoved the clothes in her hands and told her to change. Annie escaped to the bathroom.

  As soon as she was done, they were running down the gravel path, surrounded by woods everywhere, to which Annie was delighted with, and into an opening Annie hadn't seen before.

  Before her eyes were so many wires, TV equipment, cameras, the whole shebang, more than she'd ever seen before in person. She was amazed. Abigail didn't let her stare for too long. She dragged her into another trailer, Annie thought she saw a familiar head of light brown hair..

  "Abigail, do you know who the contestants are?" Annie asked, sitting down in the seat Abigail pointed to. She saw her shake her head before she answered, "Not a clue. All I know is you're one of them."

  Annie just nodded and let the bubble-gum chewing, blonde haired girl take control of her face.


  The whole time she was getting her hail pulled, yanked and teased, her face poked, prodded, and drawn on, she couldn't take her mind off of the familiar head of hair she saw, but no way was it who she thought it was. He would have told her! Would he?

  Annie finally stood from the chair, her legs felt weak, as they'd fallen asleep and woken up a hundred times already. She sighed and grabbed onto the makeup counter for support. Abigail shuffled back over with a jelly doughnut in her mouth, and one hand holding another one, "I brought you a doughnut, but now that I think of it, you shouldn't ruin your makeup." 

  "Wow, I'm surprised you took that one out of your mouth at all." Abigail flipped her off, as her mouth was too busy to say the words she meant. 

  Finally, Abigail swallowed the last piece of powdered goodness, and started eyeing the other one in her hand, but she spoke first, "So, they're starting in like, 10 minutes, and well, they need you on set." Annie rolled her eyes, "You're telling me this now?" Annie grabbed her hand - the doughnut free one, and pulled her away from the table.

  "Where am I going, exactly?" Abigail pointed to a very dark area in the trees, Annie walks through a shrub, and ends up in an opening. A very beautiful opening, there are logs all spread around to form a circle, and a large fire pit in the middle. There are already contestants sitting around the already open fire. 

  Annie gulps and turns around, and Abigail just gives her a gentle shove towards the opening. She takes a deep breath, and thinks about calling Archie later on and telling her about this amazing experience. She takes a look at some of the other contestants. 

  One girl has blue hair, and so many piercings and tattoos, she can't count them all, but Annie also notices how beautiful her smile is. Another girl has long blonde hair, and she twists an end of it while looking at the fire, seeming to be dazed. For some reason, all of these contestants are women..

  Suddenly the lights flash on, and then slowly turn dimmer until Annie assumes they're happy with it, and she rushes forward to sit down, she ends up beside the blonde girl, who looks up and shyly smiles at her. 

  All the girls are taking three logs on one side of the fire, Annie looks around all all of them, and she counts 12 girls. She bites her lip, wasn't this supposed to be some reality TV series, with a bunch of girls and guys competing in challenges? 

  She looked up, along with all the other faces here, as a man walked onto the set. He was sporting a very well done tux, black, and a pretty maroon tie, and he smiled so wide she knew he'd be feeling pain. 

  "Welcome, all of you," he motioned towards the three logs filled with women, "I am more than pleased to announce, and to thank all of you at home for joining us, This Kiss!" There was an applause, and Annie jumped a bit, only to realize it was all over a computer, and was just a sound effect.

  "We are joined by 12 lovely ladies here tonight, all looking to find one thing.. love." There was more fake applause, and Annie widened her eyes, what was he talking about?

  "We'll be joined by more guests in just a few short moments, but first, I want to be able to introduce these ladies to you. Each one of them has a passion, just as strong as the next one. Each one of them has a dream, and I bet they're all very similar, to find love, to have a family. But isn't that what we all dream of?" He smiled and motioned towards the logs all the women were sitting on. 

  "These 12 ladies are joined here tonight by 12 lucky gentlemen, who are looking for the same thing. Behind these trees are 12 cabins, each cabin belongs to one lady, who will spend one night behind locked doors, with one of the men. Each night will be a new man, and each night the ladies will see what kind of men they really are." 

  There was fake laughter as the host raised his eyebrows and laughed along with the computer, Annie was unable to even blink, and with a look around at the other girls, they had no idea either. Was this legal?

  "No one knows what will happen behind those locked doors, this is not a scripted show, ladies and gentlemen, this is reality. Now, there's a catch. Each cabin has about 20 different hidden camera's, and they are recording every move and moment they can catch, and each morning, the ladies can either step out of their cabins, and mark the men a disappointment, or they can stay inside.. and we all know what that means." There was more fake laughter. 

  "You guys are dirty! Tsk, tsk. That means the ladies have made their choice, and are further through with testing, and have made their choice. Now, who's ready to meet the very handsome gentlemen we have with us tonight!?" There was a much louder applause, Annie hoped there were no camera's on her right now, because she knew the look on her face would probably ruin the show. 

  The other ladies were no better. They couldn't speak, they couldn't even blink. She faintly heard whispers among them, "Did you know?" asked one petite girl to a more heavyset girl, but she just shook her head. Another girl inhaled sharply and turned to the girl next to her, "Can they do this?" The girl just shrugged, "Reality TV. God knows what they can and can't do." 

  Annie stayed quiet.

  She followed the other eyes as everyone turned and craned their necks to see the guys as they slowly started to descend towards the logs. 

 Annie held back a gasp. 

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