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   "I don't care that they're watching right now, they're probably not even gonna air this." Annie explained to Samantha into the phone, her loud groan was heard throughout the end of the phone, even Tyler heard it, who was sitting next to her, still as clueless to what's going on as Samantha was.

  "No, Annie. I mean they really are watching right now, you're live right now. This was supposed to be the eviction night." Sam said, but Annie shook her head, "That's tomorrow."

  Samantha sighed again, "Annie, they're scum, they're lying to you and to everyone on that show. The whole thing was live. It's like some stupid reality show, except they don't edit, they don't do anything they should to respect privacy. The world saw everything, from Aaron breaking your heart, to your downward spiral in the bathroom, to Brock.. to you and Tyler just hardly hours ago." Annie stopped everything she was doing, shuffling through her purse, blinking, breathing..

  "What? They said they weren't playing that on air. They promised me the world wasn't going to see what happened that night, that Brock was going to be explained as going home on some stupid family thing or something." Annie was staring straight at Tyler now, who was staring back completely unknowing of what Sam had just told her.

  "Annie, talk to me." Tyler begged, taking her free hand that was still frozen in the air. Annie gulped, but shook her head, "Are you watching right now?" Sam hesitated, "Not yet. It's not on for another 50 minutes."

  "Okay, then that will buy us time. I need to know what they show, who they show, and what they've been telling the viewers the past few days. Tell me everything." Annie said, Tyler took the phone from her, and pushed the speaker button, and Annie gave him an apologetic smile, to which he just winked.

  "Okay, so. What they didn't tell you.. Oh! Remember that kids room you and Aaron stumbled across on that first morning?" Annie's heart faltered a little bit, remembering that moment, and when she nodded, Tyler spoke for her, "Yes."

  "Hello Tyler, didn't know you'd be joining us.. Anyway, they really were going to use those, before you guys got fed up and wanted to book that Popsicle stand.." She cleared her throat, Annie could hear her hiding a little giggle, then she continued, "They were going to challenge you with babies, or young kids. It's all on this cheat website the fan base created. They were going to make you spin a wheel, or so it says, I doubt that, but you'd have either a young baby or a kid between the ages six and ten." Annie couldn't speak, so Tyler spoke for her again.

  "Are you serious?" Tyler's voice was low, almost like he couldn't remember how to find the words. He was definitely as shocked as Annie was.

  "Annie, if I were you, I'd just leave. Just walk out of the place and call it a fucking day." Sam's words registered in Annie's brain, but she just couldn't take them seriously, "Sam, this is a freaking reality TV show, we'd be the world's laughing stocks if we ever did something like that." Tyler shook his head, and Annie raised her eyebrows at him, "Something else on your mind?"

  Tyler sighed and leaned forward, his hands came to rest on Annie's leg, "I think Sam's right, let's get out of here. Take our bags, and leave. What can they do?"

  Annie stood up from the bed, her annoyance clicking somewhere in her head, "Sue us?! We signed contracts, we agreed to everything. We can't do that!"

  Tyler stood with her, and he towered over her, but she wasn't frightened, in fact she felt much more safe with him this close to her, "So what? We're people, too. If they try anything we'll just expose them."

  Sam, who was quiet through this whole conversation, finally interfered from the phone speaker still sitting on the bed, "Expose them with breaking a contract, lying, manipulation." Tyler nodded, waiting for Annie's response.

  Annie just sighed, "Alright, okay. Fine. We can go back to my trailer, I'm sure Abigail will be there, or somewhere, and we can tell her what really happened."

  "Oh! Before I forget, the show basically excused Brock from almost basically harassing you, so you can definitely sue their asses with that." Samantha's voice spoke out, and although Annie knew it was over, and she couldn't do anything about the way they handled it, the whole experience still kind of made her cringe.

  "Let's get the fuck out of here." Tyler whispered, Annie smiled, and Samantha sung out a goodbye and a good luck, and she tucked the phone in the safest place she knew - her bra, and together they ran down the stairs, suitcases held tightly in their hands, and swung open the front door.

 To their surprise and dismay, the host himself stood outside the open door, almost like he was waiting for them, "I don't think you want to go anywhere just yet."

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