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"Where have you been? You don't even know the area, you could have gotten lost." Abigail scolded her like a child, leaving Annie's good mood a little sour.

"I wanted to sight-see a little bit before I got too busy. I've never been to Canada." Annie said, shrugging and removing her scarf. Abigail narrowed her eyes at her, "That's all you wore?"

"You sound like my mother." Abigail just scoffed and went to go sit on the edge of the bed, "So what did you hear that I had to come rushing back here for?"

Abigail widened her eyes, and then realization came across her features, and it was almost like she forgot that she was supposed to have this huge news to share.

Annie narrowed her eyes at her agent, and friend of many years. Although lately, it's becoming more difficult to see eye to eye with her. Annie wasn't too pleased about that. They've been friends for too long to have it ruined over something stupid.

  "Oh, I know you weren't looking forward to switching rooms, so I made some deals and shook a few hands, and they've allowed you to stay in this room for the duration of your needed stay. All expenses paid." Abigail announced, absentmindedly fiddling with her hair.

  "Really? All because I complained a little about moving somewhere else?" Abigail nodded, leaving Annie speechless.

Then finally Annie spoke up, "I was being a drama queen, and I'm sorry about earlier." Abigail stood up and scoffed, "Finally, shit. I've been waiting for you to say something forever. Of course you're forgiven!" Abigail came forward to give Annie a hug, catching her by surprise.

Annie happily hugged her back, "Thanks, Abigail." Abigail just waved her hands, "So, what did you do while you were out there?"

"I went to Tim Hortons! Abs you have got to go there and try their French Vanilla! It's amazing and I couldn't get enough. I only ordered a small which was pretty dumb, but I'm definitely going back to get more, and Tyler thought it was hilarious that I didn't know a thing about Canadian restaurants and the most popular, Tim Hortons." Annie gushed all of this almost in one breath.

"Tyler?" Abigail said immediately, "All of that, and you got only that from it?" Abigail laughed, "So, who is he?"

Annie just shrugged, "Just some guy I saw on the plane, and happened to see here, in the exact same city we're in. He came to talk to me, so I gave him my number and and wants to take me out to lunch." Annie didn't really think he was going to call her, if she was being realistic.

And she didn't know if she really wanted him to. Now that she thought about it, it wasn't really the right time to have a new man in her life, she was going to be so busy for this new show, that she really wouldn't have time for a relationship.

She didn't really want one either. After Stone... she didn't think she could handle another relationship. Especially not right now.

Even weirder, how was it that Tyler would be on her plane, she would take interest in him, and he would notice that, and then he would weirdly show up in the exact same Tim Horton's she was going to be at, at the exact same time she was going to be there?

It was getting a little weird, what if he was some kinda creepy stalker? Maybe she didn't like him that much anymore. Annie was drawn from her thoughts when Abigail spoke.

"He sounds hot. You better let that boy take you for lunch, it could be good for you." Annie narrowed her eyes at Abigail, "I know you're referring to Stone, Abbie."

Abigail scoffed, "Just give it a little chance, maybe? You don't know what could come out of it."

Annie just shrugged and kept her mouth shut, she didn't want to say just what she'd been thinking. Not yet, anyway.

She just hoped she would be too busy at the time that he did call..


  He didn't call. Not the first day, or the second day. Annie was sort of glad, but also kind of offended. She thought she would be a gem to go to lunch with. Abigail thought so, too.

  But by the third morning, and the first morning of shooting, she didn't really care anymore. Besides, she'd probably be too busy anyway. This first day, they were doing a live shooting. But of course, they had to be there bright and early, even though they weren't starting until that night, when all the contestants would be together.

  When her and Abigail got there, she noticed the dozens upon dozens of trailer's layered around the area, and with a huge area of trees all around them. It was like they were in the middle of nowhere. Abigail brought her to a black and grey trailer, it was huge! Annie was seriously surprised at how big it was, she'd seen small ones that cars can tow, but nothing like this.

  As they neared the door, Annie gasped and almost choked on her French Vanilla - yes she had made Abigail take her here first, when she noticed her name written in fancy, gold lettering on the front of the door, "No way, Abigail. No freaking way!"

  Abigail just rolled her eyes and pushed open the door. Inside was even more amazing than Annie could have ever dreamed, "I'm sending pictures to Archie, she's never going to believe this."

  There was a wrap around couch in the corner, with a table in front of it, basically a full kitchen with a fridge, stove and even a dishwasher. She could see a small hallway in the back leading to what looked like a bedroom, and a bathroom to the side of that. She was so in shock she didn't see Abigail walk past her and press a little button on the wall.

  Just before she thought it could get any better, the wall started moving. The side with the couch began to slowly move outwards, making the space look bigger than ever, "Why do I need a hotel room if this is here?" Annie turned and asked Abigail.

  Abigail just shrugged, "This is just for when you're on set. You don't actually have to stay here. Unless you wanted to, both of them are to no cost to you." Annie's mouth was gaping open, and by the looks of Abigail's face, she looked pretty ridiculous. But honestly, she didn't really care.

  Just then, the doors opened and in walked an old, balding mad sporting a pair of too-tight jeans and a white tee shirt, he was staring at the clipboard in his hands, "Annie Sands, you're due for make-up at 4:30, before then you have the time to carefully choose your outfit for the first night in the house, keep in mind that you might not want to wear 8-inch heels and a tight skirt, that won't be very comfortable. Casual, but cute." He didn't even bother to look up before he turned around and exited the trailer.

  Abigail slowly looked at Annie, and Annie to Abigail, and in unison they both burst out laughing, "What a charmer." Abigail said between laughter.

  "Well, let's pick that outfit." Abigail grabbed Annie's hand, and together they bounded out of the trailer.


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