s e v e n t e e n

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   "This it it, Annie. You probably ruined every chance you had of being a reality show personnel. You possibly ruined any chance you had of becoming a star, of becoming someone!" Abbie vented to her best friend, and manager/agent as they pulled up in Abbie's giant rented SUV. Annie groaned and stepped from the car, somebody Abbie had probably called walked forward. He was wearing a suit and tie, and his his long blonde hair tied back tightly in a pony.

  "You're here to bring the car back, I'm guessing?" The man smiled, and nodded. His hand went out for the keys and Abbie dropped them in, "Good. I can't wait to get out of here." She tightened her light fall jacket against her. It really wasn't that cold here. 

  Minutes after they entered the airport doors, a giant rush of men and women with cameras and microphones ran ahead and got absolutely in their faces, Annie and Abbie immediately gasped, and Annie turned to Abbie, "Hey, remember that thing you said about ruining my career?" Annie felt a slap to her shoulder, which just made her laugh.

 Then she started to hear the questions being yelled out, "Annie! Did you regret what you did back there?" Or more along the lines of, "What happened to Tyler? Why didn't you guys have sex? Is there something more going on that you're not telling him?" She gulped loudly and ducked her head down low, "Abbie?"

  "Right here, girl." She felt a hand grip her arm, and knowing it was Abbie, let her drag her throughout the airport, her head pointed towards the floor as well.

  The questions were hitting her like a truck every time, "How did you know about the lies they were telling? How did you know they were portraying for all to see?" Annie was getting a little overwhelmed, and then one question popped out at her, and it made her stop and turn to the lady who yelled it out, her microphone heaved forward, eager to have finally grabbed at her attention, "Annie, you might have ruined the show's future, and possibly your own, do you even care?"

  Abbie tugged a little on Annie's arm, but she didn't turn back around, she had something to say, and the reporters knew it. They all eagerly huddled around her, camera's flashing and pointing in her direction, microphones aimed completely at her, and all the men and women were suddenly silent.

   "I know I possibly ruined my own career. I've been trying to become an actress for a very long time. But to me, that's not a real acting career. Lying and deceiving countless men and women? Just so some stupid reality show can have a career? That's not who I am. I couldn't sit back and watch when I knew what was going on." Annie was suddenly a lost for words as she was brought to the subject of Tyler, her mind racing.

  "As for Tyler.. I don't really know what he's up to, or if he had left already. He could be back home for all I know-" Annie was cut off when she was shoved by a reporter, she turned around to give him a piece of her mind, but when a bright camera flashed in her eyes, she was temporarily blinded, then a voice she knew spoke out, a voice she thought she'd never hear again.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to shove you there, buddy." Annie heard Abbie gasp very lightly beside her, but Annie, well she was at a complete loss for words.

  Except for one.

 "Tyler." She breathed. Tyler's award winning smile flashed back at her, and she believed it to be brighter than the camera's blinding light.

  "Annie, I don't want to.. I can't do this in front of all these camera's." He spoke in a low voice, and she took one look at Abbie, who took only a split second before her bellowing voice broke the dangerous silence, "Alright people, nothing more to see here!"

  Annie couldn't help but smile as Tyler grabbed her hand, and together they ran through the airport, away from the camera snaps she heard behind her. He pulled her so they were standing in a busy cafeteria. People were hustling and bustling about, dragging suitcases behind them, everyone trying to make their flights on time.

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