t h i r t e e n

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  It seemed like it was only seconds before they were heavily, and with sudden need, clinging onto each other in the bedroom Annie had been occupying the past few torturous days. One minute they were dancing in each others arms in the living room, candles slightly swaying in the slight breeze they gave off, and the next they were tearing their clothing off each other.

  "Tyler, wait." Annie said breathlessly, and he pulled away from her at once, "What is it? Annie, I'm sorry, is this too much?" He began to try to step away from her, but she kept her hold tight on his waist, "No, Tyler, no. I just want to make sure that this is what you want. That I'm what you want."

  Tyler's face went from rigid and worries to relaxed and amused in a split second, Annie's followed, "Annie, you're what I've wanted since I saw those gorgeous eyes on the plane." She flushed a deep shade of red, matching the lipstick that was probably long gone off her lips.

  She nodded and let Tyler slowly move in again, he went gentle at first, but then their need came back, and they were shedding clothing again, Annie was left in her nude colored, strapless bra and pink underwear, definitely not matching, but she didn't care.

  Tyler was left in his navy blue, tightly fitting - to Annie's utter delight - boxer shorts. She let her hands run down his chest, which was starting to sparkle with sweat, and she listened to the intense moan that arose from deep in his throat at her touch. Suddenly she was on her back, and Tyler's eyes were eating in every inch of her body, every detail he could swallow.

  "Annie, I don't know if you've ever heard this before, but I dare say, you are one of the most gorgeous women I have ever come across." He was looking her in the eyes as he said this, and it made a deep flush rise back on her cheeks, and embarrassingly enough, on her chest, which Tyler gave a slight chuckle to.

  "You think they'll be watching?" She whispered, Tyler's lips curved into a smile against her skin, her neck prickled with his warm breath, "Hope they enjoy the show." Tyler glanced up at her through his lashes, and Annie felt a warmness sweep across her body, and more surprisingly, between her legs.

  Tyler's hands ran down the curves of her body, and then she wasn't on the ground anymore, and Tyler was supporting her in his arms, and then she was laying on her back on the bed, his body hovering over her own. Her timid body lay underneath the man she believed she wanted to be with forever.

  She felt he could sense her nerves, and he lifted his eyes to meet hers again, her breath was ragged and her hands were cold and shaky against his toned, tanned body. She offered him a small, reassuring smile, and his body seemed to grow so much lighter against her own as he returned it with his.

  She felt like he went slower, her eyes fluttered closed, and she moved in slow motion. Her hands traveled across his bare back, then back up and under his jawline, cupping his face secure to her own, "I want to savor this moment, I want to feel every single part of you, Annie. I want to remember this."

  Annie felt her heart souring, it went above the clouds, she couldn't believe she was where she was, having - possibly - sex on a reality television show, with millions - possibly - watching her, with the man she could - possibly - be with forever. Or wanted to, rather.

  "Will you allow me to give myself to you this way? Will you allow yourself to?" He whispered into her skin, and she let her eyes flutter open, unaware that they were still closed, and she looked into his eyes, "Yes, Tyler."

  She knew he was looking out for her in a way she couldn't have ever even asked for, because of what happened with Arron, and what happened with Brock, she knew he was being the absolute best he could be.

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