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   They stayed on the phone for an hour and a half, until Annie realized they were over the limit, and they quickly hung up. She knew they said an hour, but they didn't know why they let her go over it.

  She cried to Archie for at least twenty minutes. Archie just tried to calm her down for the most part, so she could even talk about what had happened, and when Annie told her, Archie was furious. She even threatened to call the show and complain, and then file a lawsuit, to which Annie nearly laughed at. Just the thought of little Archie pleading her case in court made her want to giggle.

  Eventually Archie convinced Annie to tell someone, and do something about it. She also brought up the Arron factor, to which Annie wanted to vomit over. Archie was watching the show, and she saw everything.

  Annie felt sick all over again. Archie said the angles they showed made it look like Arron was laughing, or smirking. But Annie confessed, saying Arron told her that he was sorry, and how upset he looked over it. Reality TV shows really were just for show.

  They honestly didn't care about the well-being of their cast and crew.

   By the time Annie finally peeped through the crack in the door, it was really late, and she was exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep. She wanted to sleep away the horrible night, she wanted to sleep  away whatever feelings she thought she had for Arron - or did have, but wanted to forget them completely.

  She looked down the dark hallway and didn't see Brock anywhere, "Maybe he's gone to bed.." she whispered to herself. She crept from the room, and peeked around the corner and down towards the kitchen and living area.

  She noticed slight noises, and realized he had fallen asleep on the couch with a tiny radio next to his head. She sighed of relief. She began to walk towards her bedroom.

  She stopped in her tracks when she felt the pain in her stomach as it grumbled hungrily. She sighed and continued walking. It growled again.

  "There's no way, just no way I'm going down there to get something." She whispered to herself. She knew she hadn't eaten supper, and now that she thought of it, she hadn't eaten lunch either. She really was hungry.

  She groaned quietly. Maybe if she just snuck down and grabbed a couple cookies or something it would make do until the next morning.

  She took a deep breath and then turned on her heel to head for the stairs. Standing in front of them, she took the first step. The step groaned back at her. She shut her eyes tightly and stopped immediately.

  Brock hadn't even flinched. Heavy sleeper? She went one more step, then another, and another. And slowly, she made it down the staircase. She breathed out a gulp of air she hadn't known she was holding.

  She went slowly and quietly to the fridge, and took out a bottle of water, hydration was super important to her, she knew she'd need it. Then she turned and went for the cupboard, intrusive thoughts arose in her mind, thinking of the dinner she and Arron had made the night before. She frowned.

  She shook her head, thinking she could maybe shake away the reminder. She focused on the task at hand. She grabbed what she saw first, which happened to be a bag of rice crackers. She'd take 'em.

  When she stood up and shut the door slowly, she turned back around and dropped everything she had in her hand, thanking god that it wasn't glass, and let out a shrill scream when she nearly banged into a figure.

  "Fuck! Why did you do that!" She screamed. She bent down to grab what she'd dropped and tried to walk around Brock. He stopped her with his arm, putting it on the counter to block her way.

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