n i n e

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The time eventually came, and Annie found herself excited, but before she could leave her bedroom and wait downstairs with Arron, there was the voice on the loudspeaker again, "Ladies, before we go live, I want each of you to separate from your men just for a few moments, and make your way to the door at the end of the hallway."

   The host wasn't done speaking yet, but Annie exited her bedroom as he spoke, and walked towards the door, he continued, "Behind this door you'll find a room, it's our diary room. This room is where you'll go when you have something to say, some kind of anger you want to vent, and it will be broadcast on the television show. Please do so now, tell the camera what you're feeling, excited? Nervous? Eager to escape from the man you want nothing to do with? Share it all. See you ladies soon."

  Annie pushed open the door, it led to a very small, dark room. Inside was one single chair, and it was facing a dark wall, where she assumed a camera was. Suddenly, a light on the wall flickered on, making her jump. But it wasn't a light at all, it was a television.

On the screen, she couldn't believe it, was Arron. He was pacing around the living area downstairs. She was watching the live streams! This was amazing.

  She sat down on the chair and watched for a moment, then she realized she was probably supposed to be saying something, "Um, I know that this is all so sudden and quick, but I think I like Arron. I don't know what he's feeling, but from what I can feel.." She paused, a small smile reaching her lips, "I feel like he wants me, too. If he doesn't want me like I way I do, well, I'll surely be broken."

  She gave another smile, and stood up, taking one last look at Arron, who was sipping water out of a small, rounded glass. She exited quickly, heading down to join him.

  She walked down the stairs, her heels making a clicking noise with each step, Arron turned once he saw her and walked forward, taking her hand and helping her down the rest of the way, "You look beautiful, Annie." He said, smiling slightly at her, but it didn't reach his eyes.

  She decided to let it pass, and thanked him. She was wearing a red flowing number, it wasn't too fancy, its low neck went down to show off her chest, and she paired a long red jeweled necklace with it. She felt amazing. It only took her ages to do her makeup, but she knew in the end it would be worth it, it would all be worth it.

"How are you feeling?" Annie asked, as she settled herself down on the bar stool, she noticed he was fiddling with his tie, it hung loosely around his neck now, and she stood, reaching forward to remove his hands, he flinched.

He relaxed as soon as he realized what she was doing, "I'm nervous as ol' hell, Annie." She chuckled lightly, "Why?" He didn't answer, and suddenly there was music playing throughout their cabin, "Is that signal to go outside?" He whispered, but she just shrugged.

  The music picked up the pace, and Arron gripped Annie's hand and pulled her towards the door, and when he opened it, they were sure it was cue to step outside. With looks to the right, where all the other cabins lay, she saw all the other couples standing side by side, the ladies on the right and the gentlemen on the left.

  She switched sides with Arron, "We suck at this." He whispered, making her giggle slightly. She could hear the host speaking, but she couldn't see him. Then when she looked up, she noticed a raised platform that he was standing on. She assumed it was to get the trees in the background, and to get more of a view of the contestants.

  "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Contestants, and viewers at home, welcome to the first eviction night! We're going to choose this in a way that you've never seen before, the men are going to be the one who choose whether to stay - or to go."

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