e l e v e n

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When Brock finally stumbled out of bed, he came down the stairs running his hand through his hair and running the other over his face, all while groaning. Annie held back the urge to roll her eyes.

She stood behind the island, and in front of her lay two plates, both filled with a hearty breakfast.

Brock stopped where he stood and stared at Annie, then down at the breakfast, then back up at Annie.

  "You did all this for me?" He asked, almost whispering, letting his shock show on his face. Annie smiled and came around to stand in front of the island, she held out her hands and he came forward and took them in his own.

  "Of course I did. I felt bad about how everything happened our first night, and I wanted to do something nice. For us." She said in a low voice. She watched his eyes trail down her body to look at their hands intertwined, and she fought the urge to cringe as the hunger and lust also came through in his eyes.

  He smiled and rubbed his thumb along the palm of her hands.

"That's unbelievable, you're amazing." He whispered, and he slowly leaned in towards her, her instinct pushed her head to the side, and his lips landed on her cheek, she realized what happened and froze, "Can't kiss me yet, silly. Morning breath." She teased, and held her breath, hoping he bought it.

  She might have said it too quickly, too easy to see that she was covering her actions up, but his shoulders relaxed and he removed his hands from hers and put one over his mouth, "Really? I'll get right to that." He winked, and then turned and walked away, heading to the bathroom she assumed.

  He came back only a couple minutes later, Annie was already seated on a stool against the island, reading a small little romance novel she found on a bookcase in the hallway, and eating her eggs.

  She heard him come back, but she didn't turn, and she felt her insides twist when she felt his hand on her waist, and then his lips at her ear, and then her neck, "Sorry about that, baby."

  She shut her eyes, begging him to get away from her. It took all her power to not shove him away. Feeling dirty, she turned her head against his and slowly shuffled out of his touch, urging him to sit down. She still felt the ghost of his lips against her neck, she wanted to wash it away.

  He immediately dug into the breakfast, humming in appreciation, Annie gave a genuine smile this time. She could definitely appreciate someone complimenting her cooking, even if the guy was a literal garbage can.

  "Got any great plans for us today?" Brock asked as he grabbed his plate and brought it over to the sink, letting it sit in there. Annie narrowed her eyes and got up as well, taking her plate and then his, and rinsing them, then sticking them in the dishwasher. She couldn't let her annoyance take over. She needed out of here.

  "Not that I know of. Arron and I just played board games.. and talked." She let a small smile out, but it was gone pretty quickly. Stop Annie..

  "Well, I hate to say it, but Arron was a dumb ass. He left you high and dry, Annie. It's me and you now, against the world." He winked and pushed off from where he was leaning against the counter and came to stand in front of her again. He put his hands on both of her shoulders and leaned down to meet her eye, she looked up from the floor and met his.

  "Just me and you, okay?" She just nodded, looking away again. She couldn't let Arron ruin her night, she couldn't let her sadness take over her mission. She had to keep it together to focus on what she was doing. No more bringing up Arron, no more reminding him that she wanted someone else. She had to make him think she wanted him.

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