t h r e e

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The flight was boring, and almost unbearable, that is, until Annie spotted a hunky guy standing mere feet from her, waiting to walk past someone who was taking up plenty of the aisle.

She looked up and could see he was heading towards the bathroom, and by the look on his face, he was in desperate need. But the bigger man was leaning against one chair on his elbow, his feet jutting out to the other side of the aisle.

Annie rolled her eyes, when she poked her head up a little more and to the right, she could see he was trying to chat up a very young, possibly not even legal yet, brunette girl, who was holding one of her earphones in her hand, the other still in her ear.

With a look at a sleeping Abigail, Annie got up from her seat and headed over, she stood in front of the man, blocking his view of the young girl, "Oh darling, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. Why don't you come with me so we can go see your Uncle Jesse, hm?"

The girl looked up at Annie, a bright smile appeared on her lips, "Absolutely, I've been waiting for you to find me!"

She played along and jumped up from her seat, with a call backwards to the man, "Sorry, gotta run!" She gripped onto Annie's arm and followed her to the other side of the plane.

Annie turned and winked at the hunk before she disappeared behind the curtain. He smiled slightly and pushed against the seat for the man to stumble back to his own.

"I don't know how to thank you." The young girl said, as they stopped near the food cart. Annie began picking through it, slightly hungry.

"You don't gotta thank me, I've been there and done that with plenty creeps, the look on your face gave me enough motivation to do something about it." Annie laughed heartily as the girl smiled.

"You're really pretty. Are you travelling alone? I'm Samantha." The girl - Samantha, held out her hand and Annie gladly took it in her own.

"Thank you, so are you. No, I'm with my agent, Abigail. I'm Annie." Annie shook the girls hand, and watched with delight as her face lit up as soon as the word agent passed her lips.

"You have an agent? Are you famous or something?" Annie laughed loudly at this, dropping a tiny bag of maybe three gummy bears back onto the cart and finally taking her eyes off it to look up at the interested girl.

"Not yet. But keep your eyes open, I'm going to be on a new TV series! It's called This Kiss, and I'm the star." Annie gloated. She knew it was wrong to bloat and be egotistical, but she was so excited.

She couldn't help it. Samantha's jaw dropped, "No way! I'm talking to a soon to be celebrity, make way all, famous people coming your way." Annie laughed with the girl. In a way she reminded her of Archie, and it brought her to want to be close with her.

"Are you travelling alone?" Annie asked. Samantha nodded, "My parents split, and my mom moved to the other side of the world, or so it feels like it. We were all happy in California, but my mom liked Canada I guess, we've only been there once." Samantha shrugged.

"On a vacation?" Annie asked, leaning her hip against the snack cart, it moved slightly, hitting the wall, Samantha gave a small smile, "Sort off. My mom is originally from Ottawa, so her sister still lives there and stuff, so that's why she chose Canada. I guess I should have said that I've only been there once."

"But now you're gonna be going back and forth all the time, huh?" Annie felt concern and pity enter her body, that really wasn't fair to the young girl, travelling by plane just so she could see one parent was crazy, and Annie didn't know how she was handling it so well.

When Annie's dad left her, it was just her mom. One place, she's never even moved houses in her life. Grew up in the same place, lives in the same place. That might have been why she was so nervous to do this job.

She shook her mind out of her own thoughts and landed them back onto Samantha as she spoke, "Yeah. It's not so bad. I have two bedrooms, two groups of friends in each place. Well, hopefully I will, I haven't met anyone yet in Canada." Samantha began playing with the food on the cart now.

"You'll make tons of friends, look how easy you're talking to me? Some random lady on the plane." It worked, it made Samantha laugh.

"You're really nice. And so far the only friend I've made. Sucks I won't see you again, or maybe it'll only be on the TV." Samantha shyly smiled and looked down, so Annie took a piece of candy off of the cart, and ripped the top off one, leaving the candies still sealed in the plastic, and twisted around until she saw a little desk with notepads and pens, she rolled her eyes at the notepad and ignored it entirely.

Quickly scrawling down her name and number, she handed it to Samantha, "You remind me of my younger sister. You can call or text me at any time, and if I'm free, we can talk. I'll be your new Canadian friend. Even though I'm American." Samantha laughed and held the little piece of cardboard in her hand, a smile on her lips, dimples appearing in her cheeks.

"Thanks Annie. I hope your TV show goes really well, and I'll make sure and call you and keep you updated on all the stuff they don't tell you about for the show." Annie laughed, her hand going to her chest, "That's a deal."

By the time Annie got back to her seat, Abigail was awake and her face was covered in brand new makeup, "That was quick."

"What was?" Abigail asked, using tissue to blot her cheeks, "You were sleeping five minutes ago, and I swear you had zero makeup on."

Abigail giggled, "Show business, baby. You gotta be completely prepared, and also very fast. You never know just what will be coming your way." With these words, Annie turned her head down the aisle behind her, "Speaking of which, did you see a very attractive guy come out of the bathroom?"

"How is that having to do with.. never mind. No, I didn't see anyone." With these words Annie frowned, but before she could reply, the captain came on over the speaker and announced they'd be landing shortly and to get back to their seats and buckle their belts.

They were in for a bumpy ride..

This Kiss (18+) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now