Disease of the Mind (Part 2)

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Someone snapped me out of my thoughts. I saw what was going on, and my eyes widened.
I was in the living room, holding Alicandra... by the throat with the Force... choking her...
I gasped, and let go of her instantly, gawking in horror at what I did to her. She had more bruises on her arms than usual, and blood dripped down her chin. Her hair was undone, showing its actual length, and looked like she just woke up.

"What the hell, V?!" she shouted, standing up.

"I-I-I," I tried to say something, "I don't know-"

"Of course you don't know!" she snapped, "You don't know anything, you little bitch!"

"Guys, let's try and calm down, okay?" Yuki tried to intervene.

My blood began to boil, but tears formed, "Alley, I'm sorry!"

"No, you're not!" she barked, "You're hateful, evil, and mean to everyone! You Demon!"

A nerve in me was stricken. She knew that damn word scarred me when I was little. The voice in my mind was right. She really did hate me...

MoonPie's POV

V's hair faded to black again as her cat ears flattened in anger. This worried me. I never really seen her angry at anyone before, unless it was Shadow. But... not like this...
This new side of her actually... scared me a little.
V used the Force to pin Alicandra to the wall, and walked up to her.

"Shut the fuck up," she muttered behind gritted teeth, "You know nothing about what the hell goes on in my mind! You don't take the time to fucking listen. And when you do, you give me the same dumb response, and try to control me! So shut your god damn whore mouth. And when you do decide to try and actually listen to my problems, try saying that again. You beyond shitty excuse for a sibling."

Alicandra suddenly looked frightened and hurt by her younger sister's words. I looked at everyone else in the room, and they had scared expressions on their faces. V smiled, and tossed her sister to the ground. She ignited her purple lightsaber, and pointed it at Alicandra. My eyes widened.

V was gonna kill her!

"V-chan, stop!" Yuki cried out, getting her attention.


I saw the look on Yuki's face. She was terrified. I felt the anger in me leave as my saber's glow slid back into the metal tube that contained its kyber crystal. I sighed, and felt myself return to normal. I felt shaky and weak. Like I was having a migraine, minus the headache. My body collapsed to the floor, unable to do anything else.
I heard many voices call my name before I felt myself drift unconscious, and back into the dark room with her again...

"Back again?" her distorted voice rang in my ears.

"What are you, really?" I asked, "Besides me?"

"You could say I'm your friend," she murmured, "Or the darker side of you."

"You've said that before.." I murmured.

"Indeed," she replied, "I didn't think you'd really remember much, but I was wrong."

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because my master put me here."

"Who is he?"

"You know very well who he is, Violet."


Only one soul in this world dared to call me by that stupid name.

"Yes. He who once trusted you so blindly, but to be eventually betrayed. He who was only trying to protect and keep the only thing he held dear by his side."

"He is a murderer!" I spat, "He's insane! He killed my whole family!"

"Not all of them," she said with that sickening smile, "But the survivors are far beyond your reach. You can't find them. You can't kill my master. You can't protect them. The end is coming, V, and You just can't stop it. You can't."

"NO!" I began screaming.

And then I woke up.

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