My Decision

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He held me tightly as we just sat on the sofa in a comfortable silence I loved him so much it hurt to even think about anything bad happening to him I want to spend the rest of my life with him I know he loves me as much as I love him but will my parent ever approve of him ? That's what I'm worried about but either way I will be with him but I want my parents to be happy I don't want to have to keep our relationship a secret from my parents anymore and I don't want to be that girl who runs away from home and lose her family because of that, a tear streams down my cheek at the thought of that , Ethan looked up at me and wiped the tear that had escaped , Ethan was half Australian and half Albanian, he is 6'3 , dark brown hair with dashing green eyes that I always seem to get myself lost in , he goes to the gym every morning to keep in shape , me on the other hand is 5'5 with light brown wavy hair that goes roughly about 5 inches past my shoulder I have brown eyes that some days looks lighter or darker then other days. "Sabrina darling what's wrong" Ethan says staring deep into my eyes , "I don't know what to do" I say breaking into uncontrollable sobs , he held me in his arms and whispers soothing words in my ear "Listen , how about we go out for lunch an we'll talk about it , clear your mind off a few things" , " thank you, I love you" I say getting out of his warm embrace , "Love you too darling" he kisses my forehead and let's me go to freshen up I go upstairs to his bathroom and wash my face I look in the mirror and tie my hair in a pony tail I apply a little lip gloss and walk downstairs were Ethan is putting his shoes on I grab my purse and Ethan grabs his trench coat and we leave his house , he unlocks his black BMW m3 and I get into the passengers seat as he gets into the drivers "so where are we going babe" I ask putting on my seatbelt , "hmm we can go to that new cafe called 'D's Cafe' a few roads away" , "sure why not " I agree , I take out my phone to check my messages there were two from my 13 year old cousin Farhana[where are you? I'm at your house at the moment with my mom having lunch at yours and your moms asking where you are btw I miss you xxx] that message was sent half an hour ago and the second one was sent a couple of minutes ago [what time you getting back from where ever you are your mom says to inform her]

I reply back *wont be back till another hour or so , so around 3 maybe and I miss you too x.*

"Was it your mom ?"

"Yeah she asked my cousin to ask where I was because there having lunch round ours"

"If you want to have lunch with your mom and cousins i'll drop you off at your house" he says looking over at me then looking back at the road in front of him "no it's fine I said I'd be back in an hour or so thank you though" , "don't mention it were here now" he finds a parking space and parks the car there we get out the car he locks the car and comes over to my side and takes my hand in his , we walk inside the cafe and get a table at the back not long after a waiter come over to us "hey I'm Sussie I'm going to be your waiter today have you decided what you're having?" , "could I have a cheese omelette please and small glass of orange juice " I ask politely , I look over at Ethan "I'll have spaghetti Bolognese with a garlic bread and a glass of water thanks " the waiter writes our order down and leaves , Ethan looks over at me and places his much larger hands over mine "babe I promise it will be fine I love you and we'll make it through this all you need to know is I love you" he says and gives me a peck on the lips , " your right , I love you too" , the waiter comes back with our food and places it in front of us we both say thank you , "that's fine if you guys need anything else just give me a call" she chirped and walked off , I picked up my knife and fork and began eating my omelette ,"you know we should tell your parents soon because I know it's hurting you by not telling them and I hate to see you hurt" Ethan says looking up at me with love and reassurance in his eyes , I smiled and nodded "you're right , i'll tell them tonight or tomorrow."

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