Troubles never go too far away

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I slapped my hands down on my knees , and panted , gosh I never knew I was this unfit you'd think I was fit by looking at me since I was slim , but I guess a fast metabolism does that to people, tricks their eyes. I had left the house an hour after Ethan left to take a jog in our local park, I know I'm 2 months pregnant now and occording to Ethan I shouldn't be doing anything "that wears me out" but I want to be a fit mum and hopefully my baby's doing push ups in there with me , I smiled at the thought of that. "You know he'll be pretty mad with you when he finds out" my aunt said as she sat across from me in the cosy atmosphere in costa , I had called her so we can meet up and chat since I hadn't seen her in a while. "That's why we make sure he won't find out and what harm can it do ey?" I said giving a cheeky smile that brought out the dimple on my right cheek , "don't give me that look you know how easily I fall for that cheeky innocent smile of yours" my aunt said making us both laugh because we knew it was true. I shrugged on my big snug parka coat as I pushed the chair under the table "it was great meeting up with you auntie , come over for dinner sometime next week please and bring Farhana with you I haven't seen that sweety in forever" I pleaded with her as we made our way out of the coffee shop , "of course hon , give me a call when you reach home ok?" She said with her motherly tone that i was much too familiar with , she pulled me into a big heart warming hug , "I will be sure to do just that" I said placing a soft peck on her cheek before departing down the opposite road to make that 10 minute walk back to mine and Ethan's house.

Bzz Bzz came the sound of my phone which was currently on vibrate mode , I wiped my currently wet hands from cleaning the dishes on the pink fuzzy hand towel before picking up my phone and unlocking it to see the screen pop up to a message from an unknown number. "Hey sweetie it's been a long time hasn't it ? You didn't even come to visit me once but don't worry .. Expect a visit very soon." I dropped my phone onto the marble black floor and stood there as it smashed into small crystal like pieces in front of my eyes in slow motion, I could also here the faint sound of the door being opened and thudding of footsteps that just seemed to increase in my head 10x louder ..

"Babe babe oh my what happened" Ethan's voiced echoed in my head as he took ahold of my quivering body and pushed me towards the sink , placing my hands under the sink he turned the hot water on and I winced as it made contact with my skin , "shh it's gonna be ok" he whispered into my ear as well as other soothing things.

"She's coming , she's coming to take me away !" I said crying into Ethan's shoulder , "who's coming to get you honey? , shh , breathe in" he said wrapping his arms around my shoulder , I followed his instructions and shakily breathed in , "my mom she's back" I whimpered.

"And your sure this was her mother ?" The voice boomed out from Ethan's phone , it wasn't even on loud speaker but i could here it as if the man was standing right in front of me , Ethan had straight away called the police after I showed him the message , "no officer I didn't say it was her mother I said it was an unknown number which we are convinced is her mother" sighed Ethan in frustration , he was on the phone with this "officer" for nearly over an hour , one the officer seems to be either shit at his job or new and dumb , second the signal was really bad so the man could not hear Ethan clearly and we weren't receiving full clear sentences. "Well I think .. Best.. You come in to the office tomorrow.. Statement" the guy said , being interrupted by annoying static noises , "ok sir thanks for your help" Ethan grunted before hanging up as well as hanging his head back in clear annoyance with the conversation he had just had. "Everything going to be alright ok , we just need to fill a statement tomorrow and everything will be fine" Ethan said comforting me , I felt so angry with myself as if I had dragged him into all my trouble, I glanced up at my night in shining pyjamas ;) and smiled because he had such a tough look on his face because he wanted to be strong for me , and in return I'll be strong with him.

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