Change if moods

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No one can ever feel the pain you go through, yes they can relate but they will never fully understand what your going through and for those who can't even relate at all , they can only give you sympathy.

They say time flies when your having fun but I wasn't , the few months I've been living with Ethan has just been stressful and the amount of weight on my shoulder was unbearable it wont be long till I tumble and collapse , it may seem like I'm over exaggerating but it did feel like the weight of the world was weighing on my shoulder.

I tossed and turned in my sleep , was it because I regret calling the police on my mom , no. I just felt so betrayed I guess , I thought she really did love me and she had wanted me back home but no , like always it was because she wanted to get her way it was always about her she was my self conceited mother and it's not like I'm the only one in the family who notices that , how could I be so blind I never fully understood the saying 'blinded by love' but not It hit and boy was it true , I was just too wound up that my mother still loved me and In a way I don't blame my self because of course anyone would presume their mother still loves them ?

I was shaken awake from my hallucination of thoughts , "Sabrina" , "wake up" Ethan whispered gently nudging my shoulder , I mumbled and shoved him away "no leave me alone" I hissed before shifting myself to the side of the bed pulling the duvet with me.

I woke up the next morning well more like afternoon since it was 1:30 am , but it sure did feel good to over sleep. I lifted my head up and tilted it to the side to see if Ethan was still asleep but he wasn't? , I got up and headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth , washed my face yeah yeah all the hygienic stuff I did after getting out of bed. I walked down the slightly creaky wooden stairs in Ethan's house and the smell of eggs and sausages wafted its way up my nose making me run down the remaining stairs eager to get some food in my belly.

"Morning" I chirped when I entered the kitchen to find Ethan skipping around the kitchen preparing breakfast , I leaned over the counter and pecked him on the cheek , "someone's In a good mood" I say referring to the jolliness in his steps , "i can say the same for you" Ethan said chuckling at the end.

We walked arm in arm through the park the woven wood picnic basket in my hand , I let out a careless laugh just because i felt like it and then spotted the perfect spot to have our picnic it was under a huge blossom tree which gave us a nice area of shade , I ran towards it the basket swaying in my hand , "DONT SQUASH THE SANDWICHES" Ethan yelled after me.

"Mmmmmm yummy" I mumbled through a mouthful of egg and cress sandwich "who made this?! Gordon Ramsey" I asked sarcastically because we both knew it was from Tesco's.

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