Wedding dress

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I walked up the path , the soothing sound of the gravel beneath my feet , I was going dress shopping today , wedding dress to be specific.

"Aren't to you excited" Shanina Ethan's mom squealed like a teenage girl , your probably wondering why I'm not so excited like most girls are when they're shopping for their wedding dress and that's because I'm not really into all the fancy things , money doesn't buy happiness and as long as me and Ethan are happy even if I'm not dressed in thousand pound dress that's all that matters to me.

We were now sat on a two seat small table in the brides dress shop waiting for the sales women to come back with dresses in my size , "oh this is too exciting , it been such long time since Ethan's sister got married" Shanina said giddily I just laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Yes yes yes!! We'll take this , SPLENDID" Shanina clapped we were currently looking at a flawless floor length white wedding dress and as much as I found it beautiful it was not for me and the top half was a classic tight fitting corset which I will never wear.

"Shanina I don't want that" I confessed infront of her and the sales women who was easing the dress off the hanger a few seconds ago but now has abruptly stopped when the words left my mouth. "What ? , Why not?!" They both asked in sync their faces filled with confusion.

"I don't think walking into a mosque looking like that is very acceptable , and look at it's too flaunting not modest and defiantly not traditional", Shanina let out a sigh and brought her hand up to cup my face "darling are you sure ? Because I remember when it was my wedding day I was forced into the red sari which I never in my life intended to wear and i don't want you to make the same mistake" she said soothingly like a mother reminding me of my mother who wouldn't be here to witness her daughter getting married. I gently pulled her hand down from my face , "yes I'm sure I want to wear the traditional clothing" I smiled gently at her.

"So it's settled we'll take this for sure now" Shanina chirped pointing to the gorgeous red and white lengha with a border of green I had chosen , I decided to chose a lengha because it was like a sari but more comfortable and easier to maintain it was beautiful and I knew it was the one.

"We'll have to chose the bridesmaids colour now" I thought wistfully about the many options , "aah yes I was meaning to talk to you about that.." Shanina trailed of , "well what is it" I asked , "well.. Stacey said she might not be able to make it she's close to being in labour anytime soon" , yes Ethan's sister Stacey was pregnant but I hadn't had time to visit her because with everything that's going on. "Oh I didn't know she was that close" I mussed , "I need to visit her sometime soon it's fine if she's not able to make it we can go to see her after the wedding so she doesn't feel left out"

"I always knew you were right for Ethan , so caring and beautiful" Shanina said getting all emotional she padded a napkin in the corner of her eye.


Hey y'all beautiful people sooooooo which colour do you think the bridesmaid dress should be ?!?!?!

Also for those who want to see the wedding lengha I chose

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