Kicked out

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Hëłłò , so I haven't done an authors not it forever so hey ! Enjoy ... 👍

I felt the stinging lingering on my face I couldn't speak as I was on the verge of tears my mom had just slapped me across my cheek the anger in her eyes were undeniable "HOW DARE YOU ,YOU DISGRACEFUL GIRL ! CAUSING SHAME TO THE FAMILY You was with HIM today weren't you ,GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE , PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET OUT" my mother yelled at me my eyes flickered to my father behind her he was just looking down at the table his fists clenched , "daddy" I say asking him to help me with my eyes , he looked up at me disgust clear in his eyes "you should pack your bags and go Sabrina" that's when I broke out into sobs and left the kitchen I ran upstairs into my room , moving around my room grabbing things I would need and putting them into a small luggage I had pulled out , I'd have someone get me the rest of my stuff for me tomorrow I can't come back here knowing my parents couldn't even bare to look at me without a hint of disgust in there eyes , I walked into my bathroom and grabbed my tooth brush , face scrub and other toiletries in my luggage I zipped it up and pulled it down the stairs grabbing my bag and phone from the table in the hallway , I walked out the house I was brought up in , Inhaled the fresh air as I walked out the gate and started walking a few foot away from my parents house and leant against one of my neighbours walls , pulling out my phone I called Ethan "Ethan please pick me up I , I told them" , "Sabrina I'll be there in a few minutes" , "thank you" i say before hanging up.

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